Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

Speaking of quarter lady, true story, I used to work at a bank. And I had a customer very confused as to why her balance was off by a couple bucks. We walked through, line by line, until we got to, say, $500 - $24 = $476. No, she said, it’s $474. I did it on a calculator, did it by hand, tried tried tried to explain

Well, not everyone...

Thank you. This site is the only place I’ve ever seen her referenced, and I’m still not sure what she does. Speaking of, this is the only place I see Azelia Banks mentioned, and I’ve barely managed to divine that she’s a musician of some sort.

Is there a day Twitter isn’t outraging itself?

making up more than 60 percent of offenders according to the Department of Justice.

I don’t know if this guy with a beard so supposed to Muhammad or not, but as a white person with loud opinions I’m offended for all Muslims anyway.

On a completely unrelated note, does anyone have a link to that Kardashian blocking web extension? Also, does it block Jenners?

Oh Reese, it’s not just your kids that don’t want to see you in movies cough Hot Pursuit cough.

How could you not? snooooore.

If she’s so busy doing all that stuff maybe she should...I don’t know...stop acting?

Oh Antonin, we can’t be together! I’m a Supreme Court Justice, it’ll never work!

Not a single one. And Ja Rule knows it. It’s a classic move in the credit business. Find young and uneducated people who don’t know how these things work, sign them up somehow, put them in perpetual debt.

“I have no defining political convictions. Swear to God I’m a Democrat, though” could, coincidentally be Hillary Clinton’s campaign slogan.

You mean “most men know all of that shit is wrong, and never, ever do it.”

Some people like porn going on in the background while they work. People like Patrick Bateman.

But Disney dicks, THAT was a good use of everyone’s time.

Waaaah waaaaah stop liking what I don’t like!

Maybe some people don’t want to open up like that in a public setting. It’s perfectly reasonable.

Sometimes what’s in your heart is “I can’t, I just can’t. Why God?” And that’s not exactly eulogy appropriate.

He better, because if he took up nearly a year of Miles’ story on a crappy resurrection mystery just to do nothing, I’ll be very disappointed.