Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.
Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.
"...the super-duper organized kind who would have multiple kids and be awesome at it, which he says is called "survivor bias." But I thinking working mothers are victims of bias no matter what they do."
"Needless to say: FACE."
Thank you, thank you!
...and you could say whoever is in charge of Stewart's new home fell down on that job.
They were bursting with anticipation!
Good one, good one.
I'm pretty fond of Big Boo. I think it's because we share a deep love of vagina. You go!
I don't blame you. I follow the goings-on in the Ultimate universe for competition's sake, and I didn't find out about it until a week or so after it was released.
Not quite.
That sounds very reasonable to this casual observer.
They've been teasing some universe-shattering stuff for a while now. Between Age of Ultron messing with time and sending Galactus to the Ultimate universe, Spider-Verse and it's dimension hoping, this teaser for an Ultimate event simply titled The End, and lots of odds and ends they just want to get rid of (cough this
That works too!
I always thought it made being a drug kingpin look horrible, but I'm the type that thinks constant death threats and murdered family is more stressful than exciting.
Whatever happened to just not buying shit you don't like?
Ah, but the guys at AMC weren't ACTUAL meth kingpins. Or were they?
Peggy Olsen, is that you?
Still sounds better than being molested.
Fucking ghost thigh gap, perpetuating an unrealistic ghost beauty standard. Just ghastly.
Oh wow, that actually is an improvement that's so fucked.