There's also something oddly racist and anti-intellectual about it. You know those Hispantinos and their words are so hard to spell! No regular person could get that right sober, let alone drunk!
There's also something oddly racist and anti-intellectual about it. You know those Hispantinos and their words are so hard to spell! No regular person could get that right sober, let alone drunk!
The thing that stands out to me most, from a statistical standpoint, is the assertion that all 86 respondents identified as heterosexual. Using this NHSR report from last July showing 97.1% of people in gender/age group M 18y-44y self-identify as straight, and simple statistics, the probability of any 86 random males…
It's cheaper when you let other sites drop the cash.
I've only ever heard it called happy trail before.
"If you attend an event that will last for 24 hours, you cannot go around looking for a (portable toilet)," Tolentino said.
The source article says Arkansas.
Perhaps the most notable aspect of the festival—aside from the fact that it's in Alabama
I thought most antibacterial soaps broke down the silicon? Warm water and dry well was what I heard.
This tale, first posted by BroBible, comes from Reddit,
Is everyone not in Cajun Country considered a Yankee?
Is this a common Yankee concern? Because in Cajun Country, every wedding and funeral has a gaggle of kids running all over the place.
Hey I applaud the lady, she put up with his shit for 25 years, I couldn't put up with it for one movie.
I think there's an adult film series by that name. If not, there should be.
I can't think of a more surefire way to get people to dismiss the idea of "The Male Gaze" than spreading the word that a leader in the field thinks comparing it to carrying around baked goods might be a good way to form comparison.
I call shenanigans, this isn't selfie. Someone else totally took this.
"Sarah Palin Offers Dumbest Response Ever to Dog Pic Controversy"
Or, instead of listening to this author quote Ms. Kirschenbaum quote 3 other people quoting a manual, you could do a little Googling and go directly to the source.
And that, Ms. Kirschenbaum wrote on Tumblr,