Not A Burner 2 - Electric Bugaloo

There's also something oddly racist and anti-intellectual about it. You know those Hispantinos and their words are so hard to spell! No regular person could get that right sober, let alone drunk!

The thing that stands out to me most, from a statistical standpoint, is the assertion that all 86 respondents identified as heterosexual. Using this NHSR report from last July showing 97.1% of people in gender/age group M 18y-44y self-identify as straight, and simple statistics, the probability of any 86 random males

Small point of order, the second Japanese Spider-Man you mention is Spider-Man J. I'm almost sure we haven't see Yu Komori yet.

Well, the dragon does have three heads.

I was going to ask if he said "Sweet Jesus, please, no" or "I'd do it again", so I'm glad you clarified so quickly. But I don't blame the guy, heck, I'd do it too, I'm just begging an otherworldly power to stop it from happening.

Eh, maybe. We'll see by summer, for sure, but what else are we going to spend that time on other than speculating wildly?

It's cheaper when you let other sites drop the cash.

I've only ever heard it called happy trail before.

I considered that, but I don't know if that would take a whole month to film. Basically, any stage production of Julius Caesar should be able to cover Jon Snow's content from ADWD.

Meh, my opinion is if you're awful in a thing that pretty much everyone else is awful in too, it's usually because there's not really anything good to work with in the first place.

I'm trying to think of Jon Snow scene from the books that could be that big or complicated to shoot, and I'm at a loss. Any thoughts, people? Something I'm missing or TV only scene?

Awww, that's not nice, Olmos was a very small part of what made Dexter go to shit.

Liam Neeson says he'd totally play Qui-Gon Jinn again in a spin-off, even if he's not sure how that would work:

And yet, he refused to say definitively that AKA Jessica Jones will come out in 2016, answering that question with "It's too hard to say now."

That's why I said adapt, not use outright.

How long until someone adapts this to make some big bucks on online poker?

"If you attend an event that will last for 24 hours, you cannot go around looking for a (portable toilet)," Tolentino said.

That's a very good point, and I don't disagree. But Clone Saga.

That sucks. A trick that's worked for me is a very loud, obnoxious, alarm, but placed across the room, so that I have to get out of bed.

I was expecting an early to mid May release for something like this, but I guess they don't want to trample too much on Avengers 2.