Gucci Coochie

Good luck explaining this to your dim-witted followers, Donnie.

Very kind of you to offer your insight. We ended up test driving like 6 cars. The Kia Sportage, despite the silly name, hit the sweet spot. We immediately loved it, and almost 10k miles later, still do. Fantastic car. Kia has come a LONG way.

Either this is bait (probably), or you’re not smart enough to walk and chew gum at the same time.

no. only winners of elections.

i’m going to hope you’re right. but let me just add: tick tock, tick tock, motherfucker....

Details, schmetails....

this obsession with being gray or not is beyond me. when i get to comments, i click Show Pending. i then see all comments, gray or not. when a comment is worth commenting on, i comment; if the comment was gray, it becomes ungray. who cares what color your commment is? am i missing something here?

A tax on porn? Over my dead penis.

piss off, bob.

The old guy who lost by almost 4 million votes in a primary? LOL, OK, sure, if that helps you get thru the night.

This. I figured that one out before I came to America in 1986, when I was a22 year old in rural South Africa. What a dummie.

* citation needed.

ewwww. and by that i mean christians generally, not just the eating their savior part (also, side note: wtf?)

here, let me star your well-thought out comment.

so is he sending the missus back too?

you are absolutely correct - i tend to use “obummer” more as snark than anything else - i think the world of him, always have.