sorry, only stationary with motorcycles and hammers. they’d never get past that. oh, well, they seem comfortable where they are now, anyway. never mind.
sorry, only stationary with motorcycles and hammers. they’d never get past that. oh, well, they seem comfortable where they are now, anyway. never mind.
sounds like a great idea! let’s tell the women!
could you repeat that? wasn’t listening, sorry.
crack? look, an old!
strive all you want, dumbass. this election is in 8 weeks, and there are 2 viable choices. pick one.
European technocrat? More like American Dumbass.
‘Murca wrongs these most of the time. There are more of them.
so you’re saying i should change my handle to “Gucci Coochie with Cooties?”
Why not both?
true story - i was a legal secretary to doug feith in the mid 90s. i will always regret that i didn’t poison him. in person he’s a really nice guy, tho. but i could have saved a lot of people a lot of misery by poisoning his ass. hindsight....
one definitely has to be careful about those vaginas....
concern troll is CONCERNED!!!
Disgusting has gathered its things and left the building. What is taking its place has no name i know of.
not this shit again...
the air smells a little better already.
I know....