They also added a bunch of levels... but that was it. They are really not good at making any compelling end game content.
They also added a bunch of levels... but that was it. They are really not good at making any compelling end game content.
Uh, yes they did. No it wasn’t that bad or aggressive, but its not like those zipcar/jamba juice portals appeared on their own...
Live events will be amazing. I cant wait to have an actual version of that mewtwo capturing in the teaser video.
As a former ingress player, a lot of the missing features are similar things that were missing from that game too. Its a bit disconcerting, although I feel having nintendo involved will force them to change.
Jesus christ yeah. I played too, and stopped because I hit max level and then had nothing to accomplish. Thats my biggest fear for this game: No “endgame”.
And then you go to a bodega that isn’t well cooled down, before you head to the bar which is insanely crowded and hot too, then wait to get a drink... etc and so on.
Also because they had a major issue with density of portals in rural and suburban areas. Things like post offices and churches bulk up those deserted areas.
Just to add on to Tobias’ comment, when ingress started they mainly used historical and park registries (hence why there are tons of “plaque on a wall” portals) and also post offices. Dollars to doughnuts that post offices will be gym in a lot of rural areas.
My finest ingress moment was getting my house as an ingress portal (to be fair it is a historical landmark)
It was amazing standing on our balcony and having that person walking outside realize that there were three level 8's inside the house...
Exactly. They dont have data saying that players will go out and buy the game themselves if they WEREN’T gifted it.
HL2 is on sale
Sometimes I feel like you TRY to get one question wrong a week.
No, eyes in the back of your head would not be the best in baseball. Stand in a batting stance. Now turn your head 180 degrees. You’re looking over the umps head. You wouldn’t be able to see the fingers in the catchers crotch.
The answer is football, as…
What the fuck is with people and free tshirts? Like at PAX booths can get 500 people to start screaming over a fucking free tshirt
I mean, that was sort of what riot did at east this year. The Ark Developers also had a dinosaur you could RIDE ON!
I thought it was amazing how many people waited in line to play Overwatch in line at PAX this year. Like, the game was in beta at the the time, you’re seriously gonna wait multiple hours to play a game a week before the open beta?
I also have a feeling its very different from what they usually do, and the entire crowd isn’t “industry professionals” and the line between industry and fan is completely blurred.
I’m going to assume that means its as difficult to get “x” amount of hits in a season rather than just get a hit because that makes no sense otherwise.
Jesus christ this. The tree falls and branches just *poof* disappear.
Wasn’t there a shot of her running on roof’s for the preveiw for this week? Plus the 8 million theories on aryas death means that “arya back” could imply a million things, including that arya being dead (and jaqen)