This is good.
This is good.
Not everyone grows up.
Yea, they were definitely trying to compete with Overwatch. Randy Pitchfork is an idiot. Blizzard implementing a long beta phase for Overwatch pretty much sealed Gearbox’s fate.
Battleborn’s big problem was letting everyone think it was anything like Overwatch, when it really isnt. Ones a team shooter, and ones an actual FPS MOBA, with towers and everything. They should have sold it as what it was, because it does that just fine.
“Hold tight your buns, if buns you do hold dear” -Lemongrab
Raise your hand if you read that character’s dialogue in Mr. Poopy Butthole’s voice.
The current thought is that if you are followed by a main site (deadspin, jezebel) that you just got followed by all of that site's specific sub-blogs.
HEADS UP, SPINNERS: as what I can only assume is a huge fluke caused by the great kinja-ing of summer 2016, I have just been followed by almost all of the Deadspin properties. I am entirely ignorant in matters of sports ball and my opinions should be immediately dismissed. You have been warned.
Can’t wait for these “guess the game character, Adult unit” in 10-20 years when the parent answers with: “looks like the tank”, “I dunno a mid I guess? Could be support I suppose”, “he’s the OP one, right?”, “Oh I bet she’s the one noobs pick because she has a flamethrower/chainsaw”
what about diablo, hard to say it isnt demons, we went with, yes! but we are _killing_ diablo.
The robo drone thing is what flies around and makes the ground all icey during her ult. =]
To be fair, there’s every possibility that he was simply fired because he sucks.
Charizard wants to hate fuck you behind the dumpster of an Arby’s. Dragonite is just in the club to dance, rolling, and has no idea what you are talking about.
Yes, definitely.
Sub par compared to anything with good UI. Literally anything.
“And then I beat all the Legendary Pokemon from all the regions on my own. Blanche and Candela were so thankful, we got pizza and they let me stay up late and play all the video games I wanted. It was the best day ever. The End.”
This headline seems...misleading? It sounds like you’re saying up top that this was a thing Marvel was making and then cancelled (‘canned’), and then in the article it sounds like this was a fan project that Marvel C&Ded.
Both words have been pronounced in prolific games at this point...there's no excuse for anyone anymore.