
Aaron Helbing says that new big bad Savitar’s plans will be a bit different from those of the Reverse Flash and Zoom:

Sources speaking to Watchers on the Wall claim that scenes in the seventh season will feature Daenerys Targaryen at the Dragonpit.

It may be a legislative issue; having an actual erect penis in a film normally gives it NC-17 rating, which would hurt the DVD sales.

This is good.

Also, they keep screaming about how the boulder isn’t really heavy, people just don’t understand how great it is. It’s their fault for being so dumb.

So they intend on


My name is DC. I won't learn that the stove is hot until I touch it multiple times and then stick my head in the oven to check in there too.

I find it interesting how much this novel polarizes fans. The flaws in the novel are obvious, but I’ve read it twice now and I still love it.

As a child of the 90s, I enjoyed the book thoroughly since it wasn’t a time I lived in but one that I identify with interest and temperament wise.

Not everyone grows up.

My inner teenager absolutely LOVED this book. Really, it’s kind of like a young-adult book for 40- to 50-year-olds. I agree that it did get a little excessive here and there (Ghostbusters-Kitt DeLorean, I’m looking at YOU), but for the most part, it was the kind of adventure story I loved to read when I was a kid, and

People also seem to forget that when this book first came out, it was original and clever, and hadn’t already been done to death like all those same concepts have at this point. All the 80s nerd-culture callback stuff that people are sick of now weren’t yet considered a banal part of everyday references yet when this

Yea, they were definitely trying to compete with Overwatch. Randy Pitchfork is an idiot. Blizzard implementing a long beta phase for Overwatch pretty much sealed Gearbox’s fate.

Battleborn’s big problem was letting everyone think it was anything like Overwatch, when it really isnt. Ones a team shooter, and ones an actual FPS MOBA, with towers and everything. They should have sold it as what it was, because it does that just fine.

Oh boy....

“Hold tight your buns, if buns you do hold dear” -Lemongrab

It damn well be better marketed than The BFG.

My guess is that someone pointed out how ridiculous that would be when the DeLorean is something of a plot point and Spielberg basically built 80s pop culture.

Yeah, I think this is why Spielberg had to make this movie. No way was anyone else going to get all the rights required to make this thing.