That’s such a perfect “white guy who can dunk” nickname.
That’s such a perfect “white guy who can dunk” nickname.
Or a 4G connection.
As someone who played a lot of ingress, the “fun” of the game is sort of outside the physical game itself, trying to effeciently use your time/resources in game and in real life, interacting with teammates/enemies/etc.
“I felt bad but I turned out alright so I violence is OK I guess”
Agreed. Whenever someone says that I instantly think “this person can’t take people who don’t go along with their bullshit”
Came here to say the exact same thing. Her recipes are always manageable but done the RIGHT WAY. I swear every other website is either competing to see who can add the most obscure ingredient they can or seeing how lazy they can be with premade stuff while having it still be considered cooking. I remember searching…
It has, just picked it up this weekend.
I know people who didn’t regularly partake and would eat a brownie or something that day.
Also by your description people don’t “celebrate” St. Patricks Day because they drink normally.
I remember the 1st one very fondly, it has a good mix of exploration and gameplay.
Yes because people can’t generally carry their TV around with them.