If anything this is more in line with Platinum's frantic combo-addled gameplay with some version of Witch Time included definitely going to be a part of this.
If anything this is more in line with Platinum's frantic combo-addled gameplay with some version of Witch Time included definitely going to be a part of this.
Still nicer than publishing “human cost of Fallout76" next to “how i lick diablo immortal ass today”
The corporate overlords forcing you to make these things knows that the whole “pivot to video” was a result of Facebook straight up lying about their numbers, right?
The overwhelming evidence and sources you’ve provided have completely swayed me. You probably know more than the DOCTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY that conducted the study in the article I liked to.
so if everyone wears a mask it will...
jeez, I can’t believe this stereotypical pervert-looking guy turned out to be an actual pervert!
i should add that the guy in the unboxing video, john alvarado, also has a very interesting social media presence
I’ve seen some of the comments mentioning how absurd it can get, and I do enjoy that sort of break from the norm.
I think you dropped this “/s”
If you get the opportunity, you should pick up the books! One of my formative stories, with some terrific myth and fantasy tapestries. Gaiman’s version of Death remains my favorite and the one I hope to meet when shuffling off the mortal coil.
All I needed to hear.
“and our team will do our best to preserve the token values.”
Wouldn’t it be difficult for someone without a gun to be violent with a gun?
Agreed. But it’s very much deserved.
“According to feedback from players...”
Are you *sure* the plural is justified here, Squeenix?
Can we talk about describing Fallout 76 as “never quite delivering on their original ambition”? Because I feel like they’ve gone above and beyond what they promised at this point and delivered a genuinely good game.
Fun game. Not a roguelike. Not a shmup.
I enjoyed the comic books, but the character dialogue always felt off. It never felt like how teenage girls would talk and react, but how a middle-aged man would imagine that teenage girls talked and reacted. The characters felt generic as a result, as if you could replace them with boys, adults, robots, or whatever.