The people of Numbani aren’t African Americans. Orisa’s a robot and I can’t say I’d see many Black women finding a robot as the best form of representation.
The people of Numbani aren’t African Americans. Orisa’s a robot and I can’t say I’d see many Black women finding a robot as the best form of representation.
I mean the devs hate women and only view them as things to sex or abuse until they kill themselves.
You do realize there is more to character design than drawing a picture, right? Or did you think the character design team was like a group of people all sharing a pencil?
“Guys, why is it taking so long for the character designers at Blizzard to come up with a compelling black woman we can play as?”
Right?? This character can be as important as they’d like and also be black, but like...she’s the 33rd f-ing character. They just has to make one of the female characters black ffs.
Thank you!!!
Nah, I don’t think that’s a good enough answer, and I think it kind of misses the point.
Is she Canadian to try and keep us from reading too much into the name Sojourn? Cause it didn’t work.
Ah, yes. Blizzard, the company famous for an aversion to pandering....
poes law on this post.
They did say she’s a problem solver! XD
Working for a garbage company might have had something to do with it.
They didn’t have a scandal involving a governor to distract from before.
How to say you spout hateful rhetoric online without saying you spout hateful rhetoric online.
It was not the"same woman". Nice try though.
Riot and Youtube are private companies. They can protect their other clients by banning this guy if they want to.
You all actually get that angry over things in video games? Jeez.
exactly man, a “heated moment” is always just a person’s true colors being flown when they forget to filter themselves
“is just making me feel icky.”