
Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!

well thats all fine and good, but I’m glad they made sure out of those 3 combat experts 2 of them wear heels.  /s

I wouldnt call lesbians a triumph, brave, different or innovative in any way. The worlds pop culture is currently in...an exploratory phase with homosexuality and has been since the 90s. Whenever it WAS done, it was always lesbians. We had Xena but we could never have had Hercules. Everyone said what a triumph it was.

Have you seen the awful UI decisions they made in the Pixel Perfect remasters?  I’m not giving them money for those on a system where they can’t be fixed.  I don’t even slightly understand why they didn’t simply copy the original UI.  I don’t see how anything can be Pixel Perfect when I can’t stop thinking about how

Someone has spent a lot of money on NFTs.

After how many times he’s kidnapped our monarch it’s only right that he should go to prison.

I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.

This reminds me of the time I hosted a chess tourney at my house during the Christmas holiday. Lots of folks showed up but they just stood around near the front door talking about how great they were at the game.

But still can’t hold a candle to Joshua dressed as a princess (and later a maid) in Trails in the Sky.

What if your PC could allow in even MORE dust?

And that same paragraph mentions that bussinesspeople and students will soon be able to travel there. Nothing stopping them from dropping into the cafe during their off-time.

Also, some people, you know, actually live in Japan already.

He’s not talking to tourists wise guy. He's talking to the people who already live here.

It probably helps if you already are in Japan like Brian.

“A staggering 5 million Americans—more than the combined populations of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana—consume forty-five hours of video games per week,”

Crypto people are the bedbugs of the internet

Environmentally friendly scams are still scams. Innovation in scamming is not something anyone should be open to.

Wasn’t expecting antivaxxers to delay herd immunity long enough for this to go into production.

You’re biracial and you don’t get how hate speech can hurt? I have no knowledge of what races your heritage is comprised of, but having seen enough people called “coconut”, “oreo”, “banana”, “Uncle Tom”, and so on from the non-white side of their bi-racial background, plus knowing the racism I’ve seen from white

Thank you for this comment, it made me laugh after wading through the toxicity of the people who responded to mine. Such ignorance of hate from a self-identified bi-racial person - which puts him in the crosshairs from bigots on both sides of their racial makeup (plus white bigots, in case neither side of their racial

Chappelle is able to tell great jokes about the Black experience without pissing anyone off because... Get this... HE’S BLACK. He’s obviously not trans, and that’s a huge difference.