
Hi David, my name is Leon Tusk and I’d like to know why the Taycan doesn’t have 7 seats like the record-setting Tesla Model S. Thanks in advance. 


Come on! Do it for the nookie!

long live kavi

So many people make this website what it is every day for its readers, and most people never see their bylines on the site. Kavi’s one of those people. It can’t be overstated just how much Kavi’s done for Jalopnik and its readers. Any contentious story, any big investigation, anytime we had a question about who or

It’s among my goals for 2019.

I really am sorry about that.  Congratulations on winning COTD! 

It’s the end of an era.


If Jalopnik doesn’t do an entire article on the post $kaycog just made, I will be very disappointed.

This is to tell you all that I will not be posting “lovely lady” awards any longer.  I’ve been doing it for almost ten years and have decided to hang it up. 

Can’t have it all...

In my dreams.

Just want to say technical content like this is what I enjoy the most from Jalopnik! I have attempted repairs on small lock actuators before (with mixed success) but had no idea what a “commutator” was.

This saved my life in high school when I got my first car with no functional heat and a hazy plastic back window I had to keep down so I could see behind me/not die from exhaust fumes coming through the holes in the floor.

This is great.

Is it possible to get an autographed picture of you with an XJ? I would love it in my shop.