
How are the materials? Do they feel cheap like a Tesla can feel at times, or high end like an S Class?

If you replace the word “hacker” with “engineer”, does it make it any different?

So will this be a software upgrade, or require new hardware?

@CincinatiZoo just deleted their twitter account.

Yes, which is why you see many divers go deep as they come off a wall to avoid the resitance of swimming through the wake of the water they were just pulling.

You mean this one?

While would I get this when I could Super Replica Veyron kit car witha BMX V12 for 38K!!

This is a really great article and check list! Very comprehensive and through. Thanks for putting it together.

Can we get a poll up (much like in NP or CP) asking how far we think you’ll make it before it breaks down or becomes inoperable?

Is there anyway you could do an excel sheet as a pasted image at the end of each one of these to easily track? One with Date, Issue, Repair, Cost, and Days out of service? I would have loved to see one for the Range Rover and it’d be great to watch the list at the end of each article grow over time.

My gauges?

Space maid you say?

What is the also incredible is the amount of buses flowing around the bridge.

I’m 29, an attorney, and have some pretty steep living expenses. I make a decent wage, but not anything killer. However, I have no idea how to manage, what to save for, what amount I should be spending on living expenses (rent and food), fun, and saving. Any advice on how to find an adviser that can do a look at what

I save all of my credit card reward points for holiday shopping. Then, at the end of the year, I haven’t had to make any major adjustments and have a couple hundred to buy gifts with.

But the seats!

The Jeep with the Dragon Tattoo.

Here’s something to think about, though: many of the provisions are the common law default rules for service contracts (no warranties, could turn out worse, estimate is not a K, outside promises not part of K). If this is the wrost K ever, than the common law default rules are some of the worst ever as well. Thank God