
Gentleman's Function. You can't drive the car, and so you obviously can't manipulate the seat controls. How this still gets through the PC department, I'm not certain.

Magic Body Control has the best commercial.

Reminds me of this epic comment section....

Caddy. I'm not anywhere near a Donk fan, but this looks great.

Exactly, so why are you surprised?

Probably a stock PR photo. Look in car commercials. They always make the License plate body colored.

Spruce Goose on land?

Just made my month! Still watch Seinfeld regularly, and love CICGC. Appreciate the response and your time on Jalopnik.

How much did your love for cars influence parts of Seinfeld?

Whoops double post.

What was your first car?

So the same thing from the 2005 Tokyo show, only taller?

Hive Posters: 35$

Justice Stephen Breyers, who is the second richest Justice on the Supreme Court, drove a Nissan Stanza for a long time. IT would break down all the time, had a bondo bumper, and was stick. But he kept repairing it and driving it until it was finally beyond bringing back.

Wasn't there a police force that tried to use electric cars, I want to say in like the 80's or early 90's in some desert area like Arizona, and it failed miserably because the cats kept getting too hot so the doors wouldn't activate or open?

I mean, look at the Cadillac Vsport models. How long have we chastised premium carmakers for "S-line" and "M-ish" sport models that were more badging than anything else.