
Hey gringa! Mami is a term of affection used in many close relationships in the spanish speaking community. Women say it to their friends, its used to address females in romantic relationships. It doesnt just mean mother. Are you sure you grew up in Arizona? 

I know that violence is never a productive response. I know that the law of attraction says that whatever you send out into the universe comes back to you threefold. I know punching McCain repeatedly in the face wouldn’t change any of the massive injustices currently happening right now in the world. But in spite of


You can tell by the handwriting that he wrote that shit with authority, too. LMAO this fuckin guy....damn, we are all doomed.

Look carefully at this man. Trump is not an outlier. He is representative of the people who run the capitalist world: Men with a low predator’s cunning and no morals who have rarely had to work a day in their lives and have been told “no” even more rarely. Most of our society looks up to them and wants to emulate them.

So Trump has had dementia his entire life? I’m not buying that. I’ll stick with the possibility that he is just a fucking idiot.

Just another face of the American aristocracy that was born to the right parents and continued to fail upwards.

Her face is supposed to tell you how she is above all this petty squabbling amongst the women - especially if its a gossip item or sex. She saves herself for the important moments - like when she accuses Dems of being baby murderers.

Fred Armisen used to do a send up of Joy Behar on SNL and the signature line was ‘So what, who cares?’

McCain looks miserable, every time she’s on camera.  I know she’s being paid to be on the show.  She just has that look of a person who needs to be there but would rather be doing anything else.  So, she’s just going to make it as painful for everyone else as she can. 

That is way too many days of Meghan McCain.

I’ve never seen someone actively aging from a single video still image, but it’s like Meghan is going from 34 to 50 as if in some lenticular portrait.

I think that’s part of his... let’s say... charm? 

she asked, “We’re hearing about a lot of Democratic candidates who are meeting with Hillary Clinton for you think you’ll do the same?”

I think in this case, it’s because he’s wondering why this nothing in a human suit has the chutzpah to try to reopen freshly healed wounds on live network television. But generally, I also suspect that he is sincerely as shocked as he looks by the state of America today. I know I am.

It may be a job but if it’s considered work, then I deserve to get paid every time I take a shit.

haha it’s funny because one of them is like “duhhh i’m bernie i like single payer health care and social safety nets” and the other one is like “duhhh i’m meghan my dad was famous” i’m just over here like lol i’m an internet commenter i’m smarter than everyone, anyways here is a reaction gif.

Everytime I see Meghan I wonder how she isn’t a sitcom mom on CBS. She’s a good working mom, but assumes all her kids’ black friends have single parents. 

How many kids around America are going to school in 70+ year old buildings?

In a past life, Graham was known for his occasional bipartisan tendencies, but he seems to have destroyed any trace of moderation in the feeble hope that it will somehow benefit him in 2020.