
What a digusting, smug bitch.  I wish I had something more positive to say about her but that's all I got. Bernie on the other hand, gotta love him.

Wow. It’s official, Lindsey Graham has finally gone completely off the deep end. I began to dislike him back when he trief to back Trump on the tax deal that would take away poor children’s Medicaid. Now he wants to back a border wall and take the money that was to be used build a school. Is there anything hw wouldn’t

I read that McCain said that she didn’t understand what Joy was so upset about afterwards. I think anyone who is employed to give their opinion on a tv show and their arrogant, disrespectful coworker said ‘I don’t care what you think’ would be angry. If there was ever a time to get up and leave the table it was that

Jim Jordon as Speaker of the House...God save us!

I’m a life long Democrat but if Gillibrand is the Democratic nominee for president in 2020 I’m screwed. After the way she treated Al Franken I wouldn’t vote for her for dog catcher. I would however vote for Franken if he were running for president. I am a woman who knows what sexual abuse is and it’s not someboby

Do we know if the place even had a hostess? Most diners I know don’t. It’s common in a diner for the busperson to wipe off the table and leave the tip there for the wait staff. It wasn’t a 5 star restaurant. People are expected to be trustworthy. It’s a shame that they aren’t. Bet the kid doesn’t pull a stunt like

Yeah, she doesn’t lie due to mental illness, she lies out of greed. She’s paid well to lie.

I was trying to not hate Rand Paul as much as I do but then he voted yes to the tax breaks for the millionaires and he lost me. He acts like he is going to do the right thing then at the last minute he changes his mind and does the opposite. I’ve decided he is against the poor as much as the rest of the Republicans. I

It’s a sorry state of affairs when the president makes you ashamed to be and American and white bitches like these make you ashamed to be white.

Bill Clinton’s shenanigans didn’t bother me much but he was doing a good job of cleaning up the mess Reagan and Bush Sr’s trickle down economics had made for us. What a mess that was! I always laugh when they say what a mess Obama made. Geez, those people must not have been around or old enough to know anything when

Cannot believe that anyone would defend Inghram much less him.

I wouldn’t think he’d be able to get a job even sweeping the floor at CNN after that that stupid rematk about CPR.

Perhaps the tradition of having sports teams visit the White House after a victory should be suspended. It seems to have outlived it’s purpose. It was supposed to be be an honor and treat for the players. Now it’s more like a punishment for doing a good job.

Did I miss something or are they mostly focusing on the elderly on Medicare instead of on people from age 18 to 50 who seem to be the ones on the news overdosing every night. Why the focus on old people who are obviously suffering from ailments brought on from old age?

Will someone from Texas please come to Kentucky and get that SOB and take hm home. We don’t want or need him here in Kentucky. We’ve already got McConnell we don’t need another embarrassment.

Please tell me that girl will be fired. Nobody that immature should have an important position at HUD.

I hope George Clooney or his mom send in one of his gawky photos. I remember seeing one of his school pictures from about the second grade where he looked like his mom trimmed his bangs with pinking   shears. It was funny but adorable too.

I’m 64 and I’ve known to tip housekeepers since my 20's. But that’s probably because I worked as one in y 20's. Yes I made $1.60 an hour and had to clean at least 18 rooms a shift usually more each with two double beds. That’s tough even for a young person.

I hope efforts are being made to oust that police chief. He’s as disgusting as the teenagers. There are plenty of times when minors are tried as adults and this should be one of those times. I bet he would feel differently if that was his child or grandchild being hung by a rope. Unbelievable!