Still fuck this guy for killing a mom and her daughter with his wrecklessness. What about them and their family? What does that have to do with your son?
Still fuck this guy for killing a mom and her daughter with his wrecklessness. What about them and their family? What does that have to do with your son?
This is a really astute take and offers a lot of nuance to the reductive idea that Kanye just likes Trump because he wants to be controversial.
I sometimes wonder if his support for Trump has nothing to do with Trump but his resentment towards Obama (something him and Trump have in common).... also.... EGO. I also think Kanye is trying to avoid treating his bipolar disorder bc he’s scared it will take away his “genius”, it seems like getting any real help…
But other people might not want to pay $80. I fall into that camp - I’d much rather have a $20 discount than an extra mission and some cosmetic stuff. So I don’t really understand what the principle is that you’re standing up for. Would you be ok with an $80 standard edition, and then a $60 discount edition minus…
So youre unhappy that 60 doesn’t get you the full game and you’d rather they charge you 80 to get the full game... When you could already spend 80 to get the full game? Or are you just saying that the “stardard edition” should be what they call the full game, regardless of price?
This makes no sense to me. What is the “complete edition” - no word of DLC, content updates, or anything of that matter has been mentioned at all, that I’m aware of. Just some small things - a single mission, an outfit, and some multiplayer (likely experience) boosts and a couple of starting weapons.
In fact, I believe they said the hardest thing to do was the moment where Elastigirl puts her finger through the hole in Bob’s costume. That tiny moment was the hardest shot in the damn movie. Clothing...hard.
Why waste processing time on all those polys for all those characters when they’re never gonna be visible?
because getting hands to stay in pockets while cloth moves believably with a character is nigh-impossible.
Weren’t those mirrors just faked, though? I’m certain that (like most reflection effects at the time) it was a duplicate room flipped to match the world around the player, and possibly with character models moving around and mimicking the ones in the “real” room to enhance the illusion.
Meanwhile QuakeGL had a mirror that worked fine back in 1997 running on our Voodoo2s with their massive 12 megabytes of video memory.
this is how graphics evolve. at one point it was realistic water physics, then it was facial animation, now its clothing. next maybe theyll find a way to make character models interact that doesnt make kissing look horrifying.
That’s how a lot of game techniques get solved! You just need one crazy bastard who doesn’t care how much money and time it costs to do it, or a company decide it’s the focus of their game so it’s worth the cost. Realistic video game water is a good example of this - that was so complex it took a lot of incremental…
“Best OK Picture”
And the Oscar for “Most Epic Summer Vibe” goes to...
For a bit of context, this is actually something of a return to the original Oscars, which offered two Best Picture awards, one for Outstanding Picture, and another for Best Unique and Artistic Picture.
Wow, such bitterness.
oh, ffs. These are games that have been in development for at least a couple of YEARS and the 3DS still has a huge userbase. The Persona game isn’t even a first party game, and it relies HEAVILY on 2nd screen usage. I don’t know if EO is even going to survive the leap to a system without that 2nd screen, so why not…
I own a Switch. The 3DS is still great. Sorry, Jason.
The hell? In my family there is only one switch and three gamers. Everyone has a 3ds. The same can’t be said for the switch. I’m glad games are still coming to the 3ds.