No Sky for Old Men
No Sky for Old Men
Solid assessment of the public perception of this game. It’s funny how there are still plenty of people who seem to enjoy holding on to that anger, but they’re few and far between. Most people either moved on or continued, like me, to play the game that did exist on and off over the past two years. It’s a niche…
2 words: Pokemon
I’d argue Trophy hunters as stated in the article miss out on the game aspect completely. It’s more of an obsession and time waster from other things in life rather than a way to experience actual gaming... It's way less healthier and meaningful to a person's time rather than focusing on the games that you enjoy for…
I could care less about the trophy thing, but soon it won't be pointless. Sony has plans to give people store credit based on the amount of each trophy they've earned. Now rather or not it would even be enough to offset the cost of the easy trophy game, I'm not sure.
Oh jesus christ. No they don’t. Nintendo is just quickly releasing a back log of games that have already been released on other consoles. Now I know they are weak but use your logic muscles. If the games that are supposedly making Nintendo’s eshop into a trash fire (by your own words) then everyone elses eshops are…
I will never understand the trophy thing.
I mean, to the extent that its a good indicator of your progress and notable milestones you’ve achieved in whatever game, sure, that’s fine.
But these people that buy games specifically for the trophies to bump their PSN rank....what the fuck is the point? I’m not one to tell…
The problem people are always complaining about is discoverability. If too many titles like that start popping up, it becomes harder to find quality titles in a sea of shovelware. Personally, this has never really affected me as I’ve always relied on traditional methods of game discovery (word of mouth,professional…
Loving all of this No Man’s Sky coverage. These articles from Gita have single handly convinced me to get back into the game after a long dormancy. Still stuck with my original craft, not sure how to find blueprints for a new one yet, but having fun all the same.
What about like 10-15 hours in? Loved what I played but it often felt like an information overload and even though I started on 1.3 not everything was clear regarding resource usage and things like that.
Agreed, and on the Nintendo point as well. They’re pretty much the only ones I can feel good about at launch these days. Most other big-name devs need another 6 months at least after launch for their game to finish cooking :(
I have no interest in playing NMS. Despite not having any remote interest I can totally see all the work and fixing that’s gone into since launch.
Which is why even with no investment, I get so annoyed by people who just see the title and go on rants about it not being what was promised. Like sheeesh, we get it. Now…
Welp. If the game was centered around playing with others and it dies out quickly then it wasn’t meant to be. You aren’t missing much if the collection of early adopters couldn’t hang around or give good enough praise for the stragglers to jump onboard. In single player games this doesn’t matter as much.
This is the correct approach. Would it be awesome if game companies put out complete games on launch? Yes but we as a community have been shown over the last 10 years that this is no longer their priority. It’s up to us to take responsibility for our own spending and be smart about it. I’m with ya.
This has been my policy for that past three years. I just don’t trust game companies anymore, they seem to be incapable of delivering a complete product on release. It was the best decision ever. I’m saving money and playing the best possible version of each game. If you’re willing to wait it’s a win-win situation.
This update just adds more ammo to my argument that, in general, you should wait a year or more to play open-world/giant RPG games. I played ME: Andromeda 6 months after launch and loved it (I experienced zero issues). I just started Fallout 4 a couple months ago, installed mods that fixed all the issues while…
This sounds pretty awesome, people will still drag up the past but these updates showed that they actually cared.
This was exactly the type of article I was hoping to see today, some hands on impressions of this update! I can’t wait to try it out.
Tron in general has been criminally mistreated. I was very interested to see where the movie series was going to go, but then Disney was all “Noep, Star Wars.”
I like the sci fi stuff, but for some reason that rancher climbing one was really neat. It kind of unfolded a story as I look at it. First I was drawn to the rancher, then the legs of the cattle up top, then at the shadow. it was very cool.