
Contacting a company about a critcal security issue is always risky. The company’s first priority in that case is usually to prevent the exploit going public while they are working on fixing it. You never know how a company will try to manage that, some companies will work with you together to fix the problem, others

You know, web browsers have bounties on bugs and glitches if they can be identified and reported to the developer. Nintendo should be paying (or at least thanking) people like Anonymous Joe, not shutting down specific videos that show the glitches in action.

How to Ruin Monopoly and make people hate you!

It’s the popular hipster thing to say this episode sucked. Wooden acting? Anderson and Duchovny played the characters exactly the same way they’ve always played them. In many ways it felt like the show never left. Aside from the contemporary cell phones and nods to current politics, it felt EXACTLY like an episode of

Would definitely be more interesting to see. Judging by the pictures above, I can just shake my head (Bavaria, Germany) on that “vehicle ban”, because that’s pretty much as much snow we’ve had fall down Friday morning within an hour.

LMAO, such a dramatic over reaction to snow!

It’s much, much worse further south. Where I live near DC it’s sitting at 36 inches and still snowing. It’s about halfway up the window of my house. Couple that with the 80mph wind gusts we were having last night and it made for basically zero visibility.
I think NYC is just now getting it.

At 1st i didn’t want to see a zoolander one win, because it was obvious, but that made me laugh and it’s nicely done. All great.

Kirk and I are currently holed up in my apartment in Manhattan, where we’re trying to survive Snowpocalypse 2016.

The audience during my visit laughed as well. I’m sure hysterical laughter wasn’t the intention, during the unmasking..

i guess its because the character contrast with and without mask. He’s a menace with it on, but a pretty boy that throws tantrum. ...

This was my take on it as well.

I laughed, he seemed scary before he took it off, then I wrote the bad guy off as just some lame dude with a weird sword. He lost all his screen credibility. Needs a better villain.

The game is huge, and runs beautifully on my crappy, old PC.

oh no, the uploader has not made this available in my country - it must be sooooooooooooo hard to upload this video and all its computronics and algorithms to my distant country.....canada........oh so sorry it’s sooo hard for you uploader.

Everyone’s focusing on the objectifying minors angle, but a high school murder spree being a central component of the game is probably the bigger deal. It’s kind of a sensitive topic in the U.S. market, which is motivation enough for Twitch to shut the game down.

Not going to lie had help from the little lady on designers

first character that came to mind, but never played sh so cant add puns/details

Fashion Mag covers are so messy. >_>