

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

I don’t even own a Sunday!

In response to Michelle’s comments, Melania Trump said, “Uh, no, not really. No, because you have to be in it, if you’re in it, and if you don’t agree you’d should have agreed before they ran. Bottom line is, if I didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not support his run. So...I stand there proudly, and I

“I don’t see color!”

My name’s Rod, and I like to party

That’s only because your daughter is too young to know that by loving Ghostbusters with girls, she is ruining some nerd’s childhood.

This is all bullshit and I’m glad she will get a dress and I love her and everything about her.

This sort of excuse-making is part of what’s wrong with our community. If someone has to throw chairs at people to do their job, fuck them. We deserve better.


I called my friend Matéo, the same friend who had suggested that I get back into online dating, and asked for his advice.

Master(card) Balls :)

Child there was no L + R in the good ole days

Have a cookie

It’s just a purple blob. I don’t get it. I mean, I don’t hate Gengar, it was just one of those Pokémon I’d never even try to get. I actually prefered Haunter because it actually looked like a ghost and not like some fat prankster kid.

NOT ONLY THAT, SLOWBRO AND ARCANINE ARE BELOW EKANS AND EXEGGCUTE! FUCKING EXEGGCUTE! How can the cutest pokemon and the most majestic pokemon be below “Actual snake” and “Some eggs”. Fix your shit, fix your shit. I am sickened by you.

Slowbro is far too low on your list, you are bad and should feel bad for your opinions. ;) Switch him with like... Dragonite (Who is actual shit, how could they ruin the majesty of Dragonair with that fat orange piece of shit) and maybe you can make an argument that this is a good list.

I will never understand the evolution from Dragonair to Dragonite. You have this really pretty serpentine sea-dragon who suddenly becomes a fat, orange blob.