
A huge tell about the plagiarism is the five fingers, you’ll notice the other examples all have three. Both the Crux of Fate art and the fan-art have five.

I’m replaying Adventure 2 Battle right now. It’s holding up great except the terrible camera control.

It took a few tries for me to parse that headline out, and I was wrong on my first guess of what it meant.

It's crazy how old Avenue Q is now, and yeah it was super fresh back then. 

Oh yeah for sure, and I'm worried about people getting thrown off unemployment just to find bars and restaurants closing again in a month

Also Chicago here, Pritzker and Lightfoot have been great dealing with the virus. Lightfoot hasn’t been great with protests though.

As far as I’ve read, IL, NY, and NJ are the only three states to have met the Trump Administration’s guidelines for reopening (Guidelines they hate even though they put them out??), and their curves look like European countries.

I wish one day I have the confidence to just say whatever the fuck I want and pretend it’s true. Like seriously, look at this bro off the top of his head present a solid number of Half Black Half Jewish actresses available to work in the country, like he just knows.

What ridiculous reasoning, you realize that despite the small percentage of people that fit that criteria, they will probably have a pool of dozens or even hundreds of actors to choose from. 1% of the US population is still 3 million people, 1% of available actresses still nets you a decent sized pool. You think your

I don’t understand this logic. What if the recent activism has successfully convinced people to change their minds, should they then delay any action until it looks like they were doing it in response to nothing?

It’s really not so rare that there wouldn’t be a decent pool of people to choose from, it’s really astounding that you think it’s such a herculean feat. They may not be a known name, they don’t have to be. That’s better, give an unknown their break. Even known names like Tracy Ellis-Ross and Maya Rudolph (who is

I remember in high school (class of ‘09) they used to do “intruder drills” that lasted about 30-40 minutes because they were actually going through the parking lot and hallways with drug dogs in the hopes of finding the tiniest amounts of pot you'll ever see.

There’s several mentions

My local grocery store sells pork jowel bacon, which I think is what guanciale is made from. I use it for carbonara and it's leaps better than bacon and panchetta. Just bought some like 30 minutes ago actually

Thank you! It’s been tough but it’s ultimately a good thing.

Thank you for the generous offer! I’m in Chicago though so the stars don’t align this time it seems.

I was gonna put the wreath in my door but it was so close to Christmas in thought it would be weird to put it up. I put it off too long.

I used to do SNS every week but haven’t in about a year or so. Came here looking for an open-thread, and lucky me.

Oh I am right there with ya. Home alone all day today, fresh off the end of a 3 year relationship. Luckily I have my brother’s family to have Christmas with, but I’m still not looking forward to walking back into my empty undecorated apartment. Didn’t touch my decorations this year because I don’t have the energy, and

How in the hell have I never seen this?