
Ugh, I've been in the trenches in the comments of that article. 

I guess people just like the symmetry of it all lol

Yeah I get ya, they do tend to kill such legislation in the crib.

Do you think that Kamala Harris would veto single-payer healthcare, or a 70% marginal tax rate if presented to her? I don’t think she would, I don’t think any of the 2020 contenders would.

Gender reveal parties are so so strange to me. I’ve seen them with cakes that say shit like “Guns or Glitter?” and ”Cowboy or Ballerina?” and it drives me bonkers to see the gender norms enforced before the kid is even born.

Yeah, maybe we weren’t doing a 9-5 job as primitive humans, but that’s not what I mean by breadwinner. I literally mean the person bringing home food, that’s what breadwinner means. Today that means a job with a W-2, thousands of years ago that meant hunting/gathering. It’s the same role however.

Jobs are a recent phenomenon” lol

You’re confusing the societal norm that’s been imposed for centuries with the truth, which is that parents for forever have performed both caregiver and breadwinner roles, often at the same time, and whether it’s the “Mom” or the “Dad” doing so is irrelevant. It’s all parenting. You’re rigid need to say “Mom role is

Okay and then I read this, no that’s not how that works and you don’t get to just make up facts. Same sex households, like many straight households nowadays, don't adhere to the traditional "This one works and is Dad, this one takes care of kids and is Mom." There is no "Mom role" and "Dad role", there's just

I understand what you're saying but you're wording was pretty bad, chalk it up to a miscommunication.

Agreed, though I really think the only thing Phillips is guilty of is being naive and thinking he was helping end this conflict.

Oh, sorry I’ve been arguing with other people on the internet today (you know, as you do) and mixed up who said what.

Made what up in particular? 

Cool, we agree they handled the situation wrong then, glad we got here.

Adults... including the chaperones for these kids who let this situation fester for as long as it did without intervening or calling the police? 

Also, it's hilarious amongst all your "not getting coaxed into a fight" talk, you still interpret Nathan Phillips actions as deserving of a punch in the face.

Yes, because physical fighting is the only bad response ever, anything short of that is always just fine and acceptable.

Let me put it this way, I certainly wouldn’t ever hire an adult who never learned to take responsibility for their immature behavior as a child.

Can we at the very very least agree there was a fundamental failure of this school to facilitate this trip? Kids waiting for over an hour for a bus while being accosted? That this confrontation lasted that long and escalated that far with no chaperones, no school employees attempting to end the situation or call the

I sincerely hope I never encounter any child you raise.