
People need to be reminded who these people are.

My brain. *shakes head* I read that as “it’s the meth.”

Because there are people who honestly think the KKK are a defunct club that does nothing and now that they’re gaining in power again it’s good to have receipts on what they really believe to stop them from spinning the narrative too much.

“How are you going to do it? How are you going to do it with 11 million immigrants?” Calderón, with a blissful roll of her eyes and a classic side eye, asked.

“Let’s not be hasty, everyone! Both the interviewer and the interviewee are equally to blame for the interview going poorly.”

the imperial wizard of the Loyal White Knights of the KKK

It’s the math. He thinks 11 is less than 6.

“But mah frees peach!”

His white privilege is astounding. He’s on camera spouting his nonsense and threats and bragging about his penis, er, guns, and weapons and all the damage he’d do, even killing.. and then he actually uses his pepper spray, escapes, turns into crybaby, and now he’s looking forward to his day in court. All the while he

This uneducated dumbass bitch.

It would be in character for him to blame the person he was spraying if the wind knocked a little back into his own face.

‘The problem is that my country has descended to a point where your political opinions get you charged with felonies, and that’s what I’m upset about....’ 

“Tomorrow I’m more than likely going to find myself in a cage facing decades in prison,” he wrote. “It is entirely possible that this will be the last time you hear from me.”

The Vice video shows him twice recovering from pepper spray. He said “commies” did it each time. Now I’m wondering if the little cowardly, woman-beating, roid-abusing, drunk-driving dickwad didn’t just get a little blowback from his own assaults and cried about it like it wasn’t his fault, just like how the rest of

Aye. I’m pretty sure he had 7 different loaded guns with him that were shown on the Vice documentary; 6 of them were on his person as he walked around in public (in various pockets, holsters, ankle holsters)... IIRC he said he had about 30 live rounds spread between his many guns.

I just wanted him to not hurt me.”


“I get a little emotional about the fact that all this is going on, and now people want to throw me in prison because I want to save my race and nation.”

oh, a nazi is facing consequences for his actions

Welp.......that’s an interesting twist.