
WTF are you talking about?? I was checking my boy SHough, but never said a thing about another woman’s ass-maybe you responded to the wrong person, or didn’t look at the times of the responses so you’d get the order of them right....

Like they didn’t have an entire damn building, with multiple alternate exits....MMKAY

You keep up the good work! If you need a break, swing by a Classic game for a booster shot to get you through until Graduation-LOL

Wondering if Colleen Dagg wants in on this? (BTW, watch her, she cheats at Spades)

Nah, you good. Need any help?

This tickled the shit out of my Firefighter/EMT Hubby :

PLEASE say you’re running for office in either 2018 or 2020!!

HAD to do it....LMAO

*Yawn* Pulling in another community of color is where you fucked up-we don’t play that over here

Don’t forget about LiAngelo...ijs

I respectfully would like to add:

I feel ya..

Excellent article, P.J.

Depends...on a LOT: severity/ frequency/nature of his delusions, what, if any, other comobidities he had (other conditions that present at the same time), what meds he was taking, when was the last time he took them, etc. There are calming techniques, as well as de-esculating techniques that may have worked with Mr.

If Mr. Ard had a history of mental illness, which he did, there may have been on record (PD incident reports, medical/psych records, etc) what his delusions were, how frequently he had them, and whether he was fixed on a particular person or event. Paranoid schizophrenics, in particular, typically get caught in a

You called it: this poor man’s life was worth less than some damn glass, smh

Show me WHERE Korean food has ANY revelancy to this article?? 

This is known in statistics as an “outlier”, and is therefore regalated to the #notallwypipo BS column