The chance of Stacey “I’m not one of THOSE Dashes, but I wish I was” Dash coming on here? Negative 600%. The chance that I give a fuck if she does? even less..
She wouldn’t show-too scared LisaRaye would show up at VH-1 and BEAT THAT ASS AGAIN. She’d be a shoo in for the Best Attempt at Passing for White Without Actually Being Able To Award-Bobby Jindal’s her main competion on that one, and he ain’t even Black, smh
BUMP IT, I’ll double down:
Obviously, she doesn’t even comprehend there’s anything for her to LEARN. When Lisa Raye SNATCHED THAT AZZ, she shoulda just had several seats, bided her time, raised her kids (her son w/ Christopher Williams is a cutie), and made a comeback worthy of at least an orange or peach as a Housewife...BUT NAWWWW, she’s…
“Becky Knuckles”
Dame’s a whole other kettle of fish, but even HE’S got to be disgusted by the level of coonery she’s maintaining
He’s really doubling down on this as if the military isn’t facing more pressing problems, huh? Guess THIS is the 1% he was talking about, not his buddies on Wall Street. Can I wish his Secret Sevice detail ALL go on a piss break and let some Veterans just FUCK HIM UP? PwettyPwease??
And now, a Reading from the Book of Mighty Waters:
Straight FACTS!! My Uncle, who retired with a mountain of $$ after working for Seagrams for decades as a Regional Sales VP in the Atlanta Metro area, put me up on armangnac at New Years’...I’m a tequila Queen myself, but when I’d wiped out his entire supply, he tried to segway me into Crown, Paul, Remy, and then…
Order WHAT? PAY for HUH??
More like The Garbage Pail Kids, ijs...
“ .....another mf named DEAD MIC...” Totally underrated
Wanda Sykes capes waaaayy too much for her pet wypipo, and her comedy has fallen off BIG time! Giving her a HARD side-eye....she might be turned away at the gate of the CookOut if she keeps this up, ijs
Same damn thing happened here in Mobile ON MONDAY:
That’s only PART of it, intro! If you go up in the comments, there’s a link to another article by one of The Root’s sister sites, I forget which one (sorry). This fool was in some radicalized Fauxtep cult down there in Florida, and although he was found “Not Guilty”, the cult leader was convicted of beheading some guy…
I’m putting “family business” out there, bc I’ve been over this shit for, oh about 2 years now: