
Fam, if you’ve got the stomach/cojones for it, the movie “Idiocy” is where we’re headed...

I’m going to weigh in on this one, but first to Michael:Great article!

ROAD TRIP!! I’ll put in half on the gas, get ya own damn snacks, and let’s put on some ol skool and ride out! #TheBlackBucketList

If that $9.40 has you THAT pressed, bruv, you gots bigger issues...ijs

Somebody buy Lisa Bloom some Usain Bolts...she’s chasing ambulances with a World-Record pace speed...

I’m calling it early: GOP for the Championship and MVP...

After having hear Senator Turner speak at a Sanders rally (along with Dr.Cornell West) in Birmingham last year, I was impressed with her ability to not only appeal to diverse groups, but also with her determination to also “walk the walk”. She went back to her hometown, rolled up her sleeves, and continued to put in

This gets a hard *yawn* from me.

Her ENTIRE channel is GONE, Hunty!! YASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

ALL Black parents should memorize and use accordingly!!

They’re just stacking their coints so they have enough kale-and-free-range-spam chimichangas and Lime-A-Ritas for Sink-O Day May-O

If this wasn’t a shETHER-level response...

You CALLED that, Yep!! I’m SO GLAD I never jumped on that SM train, y’all don’t even KNOW. Never bought it, never will, so although I’m sitting a lil smug “in my petty”, I get why Sistas that have been down with them since day one feel a certain kinda way about this. SM pulled a United on this one, and by being so

Must be nice to have NO OTHER PROBLEMS in that school (or any of the other schools that are trying to tear down our kids about HAIR), that an EXTRA LINE necessitated a six month, delayed, unfair, and arbitrary-assed response and associated paperwork. (But we be on CPT,huh?) I’m waiting on SOMEBODY (hint, hint) to look

You can miss ALL OF US with this. This child had the SAME HAICUT FOR SIX MONTHS, and NO ONE said a blessed thing about it. But it was for the “safety” of other students?? Then it should have been addressed DAY ONE.

I’m kinda sad that they’re removing Ol’ Jeff...but for an ENTIRELY different reason: