
don't worry. You'll be back in the gray zone with your next comment too.

I continue playing Pokemon. It's not something you just put down, you know.

On the side, I've got Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask to entertain and puzzle me. I might pick Fantasy Life up again, or maybe even poke at the hundreds of hours of steam backlog that I have yet to even start.

It would take you...

Froakie (aka, greninja) is an amazingly solid special sweeper, especially with it's hidden ability, Protean. It's a major threat throughout the metagame because it provides really good coverage at a high speed.

charmander (aka charizard) is one of those really awesome mega evolutions that again serve as a special

She's a she. she's also aware of gender. The standard internet troll despises these two things above all else.

wow. way to be a douche in the comments.

Volcanora and Talonflame aren't just there for fly though, but because their flame body ability allows eggs to hatch faster.

For all it matters, in OR/AS, as long as you're using the infinite loop it doens't matter WHICH flame body pokemon you have. You could be using Magmortar or Lampent, or any of the other flame

You know what would clean up the GTS? Removing the ability to specify Pokemon that can't be traded over the GTS.

No, seriously. Get rid of the fact that people can ask for mew, darkrai, etc... because the GTS is FLOODED with requests for un-tradable Pokemon. It makes using it seriously annoying and difficult, and the

The year: 1999
The Game: Everquest

Screw you and your maps. If I'm not lost and hopelessly confused by just trying to navigate the city I started in, something's wrong. Making it out of Qeynos' front gates makes you want to NEVER GO BACK INSIDE. Getting lost in the Karanas, or trying to navigate Sol-A or Sol-B? no map,

I love the idea, and know that it won't happen. Nintendo has licensed out to the (extremely sub-par, shitty quality) Mega Bloks for the pokemon building toy.

Nay, I say unto thee, that this commandment must be graced with the full measure:

Thou Shalt provide in thine video options the borderless window, and ensure that the alt+tab are available. These options are delicious to the taste, and very desirable.

OR/AS have a lot going for them at this point. They're building off of many of the successful elements found in XY without taking too much away (/sigh, trainer customization), they have had a really solid hype campaign leading up release, and are remakes of nostalgic games at the same time.

No big surprise, really -

what got me was the fact that it looked like his nose actually smooshed into her cheek a bit. It wasn't just the lips moving, but the entirety of each face.

to translate: has JJ Abrams learned a lesson about what not to do from someone else's mistakes:


howabout having a rating of "meh."

bravely default has a one-handed mode, which works specifically for left hand. You might need to stylus some though.

Yes, they have clearly stated that there will be exclusives on the new 3ds. The first up is Xenoblade Chronicles.

100% failing to not be a dick.

I like the minifigure scale WAY more than the microfigure scale that they were previously released in. These feel more organic and way more like the game than the other sets.