
And Tribes: Ascend

You say that, but Dragon Age: Origins is already on the list, and it was so bland I don't really remember much of its story at all...

it looks like X-Com meets Pandemic. Awesome.


I read this in the voice of Ricardo Montalbon. It made my moment.

damn. that makes my 285 games look weak by comparison.

This review made me put it in my steam wishlist, with full intent to buy it when it goes on sale for 75% off in a year or so.

Sometimes, I feel like a horrible person, but then I look at my steam pile of shame and realize I could probably live the rest of my life without actually completing all of it.

You forgot the obligatory insult to Patricia Hernandez.

seriously. Multiplayer, shoot and loot with an RPG concept... and it flipping has claptrap? Are you kidding, Bungie?

Auditorium. Tribes: Ascend. Dungeons of Dreadmor.