NO. It wasn’t clever when they wrote the quests in the first place, as the “humor” was *ALWAYS* applying to the lowest common denominator.
NO. It wasn’t clever when they wrote the quests in the first place, as the “humor” was *ALWAYS* applying to the lowest common denominator.
You know, the wonderful thing about Guillotines is that they are a remarkably simple technology. Easy to build, easy to use, easy to clean.
I would like to point out that Brigham Young himself *owned* at least one distillery and sold the products of it. Given the historical precedent, I’m not sure you should knock a halo off for owning a tequila company or two...
I grew up in a different state, and that state’s schools started last week. My experience where I live now is that everyone starts after labor day - but stays in school until early June (When my internal clock says mid-may is correct).
A couple years ago, the snow days were so intense that the makeup time required…
Living in one of those weird states where school doesn’t start till September, my kids aren’t in school yet. My teenager will be doing the full online school thing through the district thing this year, but my younger one was not doing well with remote kindergarten.
So my ex wife and I decided that, since I have the…
Just to echo the rest of the commentators:
It’s fucking terrible. It was bad on gizmodo, and it’s bad here, and JFC why take something that works and turn it into something that is shit? Newer is NOT always better.
Or is this a herbal remedy to a problem that doesn’t exist?
so Ash.. um...
Did you miss the end credits scene? because...
> I want—meaning, I demand—to see him fly
I’ve found that, as I get older, I drift further and further from super-violent games in general. In my late teens and early 20s, I relished serious fps play. Unreal Tournament, Medal of Honor:Allied Assault, and even earlier... Doom.. were all mainstays at the LAN parties I would go to. It was great.
At some point in…
As a lifelong DND player... since 1988... I’m absolutely thrilled that Wizards is finally willing to take these steps.
I think it might be relevant to discuss how the depiction of Orcs is strongly based on Tolkien’s depictions, which are themselves rooted in racism.
Hmm. I guess fantasy, as a genre, has a serious…
Of course he’s not naked. That’s silly.
that’s just fishing for stars.
clearly the head must be the least-skilled hanzo main in the group.
I was really excited by this one when I played it at PAX west last year.
Aaand, of course, now it’s only on the epic store. Guess I’ll just have to wait until it is on my sales platform of choice.
well crap man.
You’ve been a seriously impressive voice on this website for a very long time, and I’ll miss all the news and reviews and fun shit you write here.
I know you’ll still be writing elsewhere, but it won’t have the same irreverence and sheer sass.
Cheers, and thanks for the great content!
some friends and I have been working on a minecraft realm since a few days into the quarantine.
They’re building a large castle on a savanna mesa, I’ve built a hobbit hole in a dark forest. we’ve killed a few withers, have beacons, killed the ender dragon and gone end busting, dug out a quad-chunk slime farm (and then…
I already have the earlier version of Persona5, and I’m about 10 hours in... to the tutorial. I’m on april 22nd, and I think this afternoon will be the point where I get to the safe room just before the last boss? dunno. I beat the chapel mini-boss and tried to go further, but ran of SP and had a !@#!@#~ of a time…
I’m going to try and clear at least 3-4 games from my ps4 backlog.
I’ve overall got limited time to play, so.. having AC:Oddysey, Persona5, God of War to play, and Control... that feels like a year’s worth of games right there.
the movie was actively bad.