
Actually, this does speak to the broader “no girls allowed” sign that underlies a lot of the gamer community. I get hassled a lot as soon as someone realizes I’m a woman on many of the platforms I play. I start getting grilled on what I play, how much I play, and asked arbitrary questions regarding meta/character

But in your shallow view of how hobbies work, I am a part of the driving, car, AND mechanic hobby/community. Despite the fact I do not want to be.

So because Im not labeling them something they dont want to be labeled, I’m rejecting them out of gaming which they didn’t want to be a part of..

BTW, you also have a very sheltered view of the world if you think other hobbies dont recognize a “poser” who is pretending they are an expert at a subject when they dont know crap about it.

Nobody is rejecting anybody? We aren’t talking about keeping people out of gaming,

The studied I’ve generally seen explicitly asked people if they played games, what kind of games they played, and how often they played them.

Essentially, my 65 year old auntie playing Candy Crush would be considered a gamer

Feminism means caring about whether women are as comfortable as men being themselves. Some of them are stupid just like some men are stupid; but if you don’t understand the basic idea, then you’re one of the idiots. If you understand it but you don’t like it, then you’re at least a little bit scary.

The problem is not with the breasts. The problem is that Capcom worried that Japanese players would not buy the game unless one of the characters looked like a teenage sex object so they changed it to give her that appearance.

This change represents a lot of what is wrong with the male gaming audience in Japan today.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Impossible! All men everywhere are attracted to all women everywhere*, which is also the only reason they ever interact with any of them! Haven't you been listening???????

Awful. There's a very short, simple conversation that should happen in these instances. Dude: I know we've been hanging out a lot and spending a lot of time together, and I'm interested in you romantically, not as a friend. You: Sorry, I don't feel the same way. Dude: I don't think I'm going to be OK being friends,

Mine didn't do anything as Adult as trying to stick his tongue down my throat. He waited until I passed out on his spare futon one night and decided to crawl in with me and explore my vagina while I slept.

I had a male friend who was good to me, in a friend way, after a bad break up. As in, he let me talk about my feelings and we got dinner sometimes. We were already friends, in a circle of friends, and saw each other frequently in a group scenario, but then one day he turned totally cold on me. He seemed mad, in

I once had a really close guy friend (or so I thought) put the moves on me once after a night out at the bar. When I rebuked him, he said, "Oh, so you'll fuck every other guy except the one who actually gives a shit about you." I turned around and left his house without saying a word.

Hmmm... the term doesn't seem like the best to me. But not coming up with anything better.

I'm giving myself an Adult Award this week because the other day I asked a guy out, he said he wasn't interested, we had a conversation about it, and now we're going to continue being friends and I feel good about it.

I hate the term friendzone.

I prefer the much more descriptive Masterbation Alley.