
Thank you for explaining to me how women feel about being objectified. I honestly had no idea. I also honestly thought you would get past your ego and mansplaining to realize “hey, this is a woman who worked in the industry, has experience in this kind of environment -not to mention the environment in general - and I

Ok, I can get that as a guy you wouldn’t see a problem with them hiring dancers. As a woman, I can totally see the problem. The women hired were there to be objectified and oogled. They were turned into decoration for the event. As women are constantly fighting to be taken seriously in the industry (for many of the

Sure, “he” might have been a brogamer who went slack-jawed over the sight of tits in a gaming store that weren’t on coverart. But what about the endless stream of men who approach me at conferences after I did a presentation in front of hundreds of people from the industry about the upcoming software development and

Actually, this does speak to the broader “no girls allowed” sign that underlies a lot of the gamer community. I get hassled a lot as soon as someone realizes I’m a woman on many of the platforms I play. I start getting grilled on what I play, how much I play, and asked arbitrary questions regarding meta/character

There seems to be a huge disconnect between a lot of 2nd wave feminists and intersectionality, which just leads to some very clear transphobic/homophobic/racist comments generally. I feel like it also takes away from what could be a very interesting (and important) conversation about the experiences of women who

Ok, one quick thing: its metalsmithing not metal shopping. And I’m actually in this class. I was so excited to hear Jezebel covered this! Ann is an amazing person and a phenominal metalsmith. Her work is incredible and I just wish they would have focused a little more on that than how old she is. She’d be considered

Its because he was reading from cards and trying to focus on them. You can see his head slightly move as he’s tracking the words.

Being at home in the contralto vocal range I feel a kinship with Miley when she does stuff like this. I just wish she would step outside the mainstream pop sound a little more because it just seems so stifling to her talents.

I would completely agree. Yes, it had some great cinematography and McConaghy was spectacular but the entire thing felt like it was written through a lens of “its so hard to be a white straight dude”. Every time a woman was on screen it became clear they were only there to further emphasize the man’s “struggle” or as

The strongest feeling I walked away from after watching the first season of True D was there’s a difference between writing sexist characters and writing a sexist tv show. Mad Men had sexist characters. True D has sexist writing. The entire thing seemed more like a mix between a male power fantasy and a white man’s

Times like these I like to bring out my MRA monster. He’s just trying to get the world to understand his struggle.

Yes, it is an elective course. It may even be that the student in question was 100% up for it when she signed on. However, she has now been in that course (for what 9 weeks now?) and may have come to the realization that she is extremely uncomfortable with getting naked in front of her classmates/professor. Cameras

I am an art student entering my senior year at a fairly well known school. I can say with certainty this is not appropriate. Yes, nudity doesn’t always have to be something sexual, but we don’t exist in a vacuum so culturally nudity does, by default, equate something sexual. Yes, this is an elective and these people

Maybe we should also look at *why* men are more skilled than women in many video games. I love FPS's but refuse to play them online due to the fact that if I dare speak to my teammates I often receive comments like "die you fucking bitch whore cunt" or they start yelling that I'm cheating/camping/(or my favorite, that

I now want to start a twitch where I wear full victorian era garb, wig and everything, just to talk like this.

"Aside from the boobs, there's no reason why that many people would watch them" - Thank you for validating an opinion that a woman's value isn't her skill, but her body because no one would want to follow a female who is good at games, only to see some tit action.

this may be a valid argument if streaming women were being more successful (or just as successful, or hell, maybe even let's settle for around 20%) as their male counterparts but they are not. As the article stated, only 8 of the top 100 streamers are women so obviously this tactic isn't working in the long haul.

My completely anecdotal experiences have been that when it comes to children many men are much like children who want puppies. They want to do all the fun stuff: play catch, wrestle, and cuddle on the couch together while watching TV, but when it comes to all of the icky responsibility they hand it off to someone

I now know where all the cooking spray went.