Mzz DeBurgos

I get the economic situation Issa is coming from.  (Romantically is something else, but not because I’ve done better.)  I was unemployed for a year and a half at one stretch, piecing together a living off of odd jobs and unemployment checks until I got my shit together.  Life happens.

I grew up working class, poor really, and had to unlearn my Caribbean accent and learn how to “speak the language” to navigate. I don’t purport to speak in a highfalutin’ way, but I understand and have paid the price of what it means to sound like my background in a “professional environment”, if you know what I mean.

I can’t believe the disbelief around Issa’s predicament. I too wonder who these people are and where they come from and who they’ve spent time around.

I am literally my mothers safety I know how it feels not to have the parents as an option. Fxck that person and their destroyed ass nasal packages.

He probably thought McGahn was his personal lawyer, like he thought Sessions was his personal prosecutor (Sessions only works for Keebler, the KKK, and DARE).

He’s just repeating it and hoping his base continues to believe it.

Conspiracy. Conspiracy to defraud the United States. #SayThisNotThat

Or lazy narcissists who turn off their auto-spell check.

Just the President of White People doing his thing.

I’m pretty sure the only Russia related thing he’s running scared from is them revealing that he has been laundering Russian mob money decades and they’ve been bankrolling his lifestyle for quite some time. Dude doesn’t give a shit about the election.

This. He literally made up a word where there are already choices. That’s how 1st graders spell.

Someone needs to get him to a home.

Add the 20 years of money laundering to the mix and I think you’re onto something. 

He’s saying that he’s beefing w/ Drake and Mueller, w/ Kanye at his side. Next up we get to hear how Yeeze owns Mueller’s kid. Said kid being like 42. #scoopitypoop

Speaking as a lawyer, federal prosecutors generally don’t spend 30 hours interviewing a single witness unless they have a lot of substantive things to cover. It’s far too late in this investigation for random fishing expeditions. What they were likely doing here is asking him questions they already knew at least

I still think it’s the obstruction charges that could stick rather than the collusion, much like with Nixon it was the coverup rather than the actual crime that did him in. 

But Mueller isn’t black. How can he be a thug? Or is he implying that Mueller is acting like a black man...

I know Trump speaks like a drunk toddler in real life, but whenever he tweets about the Russia investigation I think of this...

The fact that they put out this statement AFTER people were like “hey why did you leave a pregnant woman at a gas station?” just shows what monsters ICE are. Even if the murder warrant turns out to be real (I am waiting to see the proof), there was NO REASON they couldnt have made sure this woman wasn’t SAFELY