Mzz DeBurgos

On that job front you can see why Molly would be reluctant to help her friend level up. She had her moment to bask in glory after putting on a successful fundraiser and messed it up. In the office, she doesn’t seemed focused. At least with Molly, she works hard and plays don’t see that with Issa. As Black

I don’t know why so many of y’all are surprised by this.

“What I mean is that I took 10 of the exact same picture over and over”

Gonna help out all you independent restauranteurs with a neat little form letter:

The great thing about being in NYC is it goes like this:

Same. And I’m a professional photographer and graphic designer and I still wouldn’t give a good goddamn.  

Love our food, hate our people - the model of bigotry. Black, Latinx, Asian - we make delicious shit but screw wanting to live near or with us and treat us like people fully deserving of empathy.

As a Houstonian who lives in the neighborhood, I’d like to offer some insight to the two restaurants mentioned.

This is no surprise, how many white people are perfectly willing to partake in things Black people made popular but don’t want anything to do with the actual Black people who made it. That pretty much applies to anything that’s not attached to white people.

“At least temporarily I had it taken down because I don’t want to be insulted, my children to be insulted, my family to be insulted.”

Snakes don’t have crotches.

I’m confused. Did we already forget about Kirstjen Nielsen’s hypocrite ass? Like, at this point, we should just assume they all love Mexican food, because that would be Peak 2018.

Once when I was asked this, I whipped out my own phone and took a picture of them.

I feel your stress and I have the same problem. People are always asking me to help them with pictures (which I don’t mind but I’m really awkward so things can get weird). another one is when strangers tell me about their personal business. They do it ALL. THE. TIME. I don’t need to know about your abscess or

Them: “Sir, can you please take a picture of us?”

i would be that lady cause I wouldn’t care. I don’t know them and it aint my picture.

I took a picture of my friend with Norman Reedus (Boondock Saints, The Walking Dead) at a convention. I ended up cutting off the top of friend’s head from the eyebrows up. IN MY DEFENSE it was in a dark bar, I was pretty drunk, and I was late to the game of smartphones and could barely work my own (10 yrs later and I

First off, that’s freaking hilarious. But also, why is the stroller with the little Black baby off to the side with an agitated person standing over him? *Plot twist* He’s salty that he has to look after the baby of the person they bothered to take the photo. Said lady notices this and decided that lil house in the

He’s right, though! In the moment, you choke! I’d just focus on getting that entire group of people in the photo and not think about the background. I would be this lady 100%.