It was like so hush-hush. They were so…quiet about it. And then the next thing you know…
It was like so hush-hush. They were so…quiet about it. And then the next thing you know…
I like how in interviews he said that all he had to do was making Dave laugh. If he could make Dave laugh, he would keep getting asked back. And my god, did he make Dave laugh, along with the rest of us.
"Bananas!" And I love how on the next bar he turns it into a question: "Bananas?"
OK, I'm thinking a pimp's pants. Now how do I stop?
Woo-hoo! I did it!
Counterpoint: The Godfather is fucking boring.
Has the user name "Just a nigga that likes Teti" been taken yet?
"For the nice people." I remember on the commentary track Bob expressing irritation at the old man because he insisted on saying it that way instead of "nice people" a la Pat Boone.
Terry? I thought you was in Hawaiʻi.
Or angry yelling, don't forget the angry yelling!
"I'm strong like the Hulk! ARRGGHHH!"
Excuse me, we're doing Mr. Show quotes here.
My favorite part of Change for a Dollar is Odenkirk as the President doing the goofy dance on the golf course, and Cross as the secret service agent nearly losing it.
Right, all 433.
Lighten up, Francis!
You just don't get all the subtle nuances of BEL, man.
I know… (sniff)
And my bone makes three!
I call bullshit on that "433 broken bones" thing. There are only 206 bones in the human body!
Let me guess…it will end with the fans chanting Evel's name as he is about to make a big jump, and then just as he takes off and goes airborne, cut to black, roll credits.