My Year of Fops

"Videotaping"…? Is there a camcorder pouch?

Fast and bulbous!

Yeah, he hangs out in the basement, wears a half-mask, plays a pipe organ…

Millennials have shit senses of humor, so if they don't think he's funny, I wouldn't take it so hard.

Opportunity to troll for young puss, obviously.

What the goddamn fuck.

Lump bros!

I still don't get it.

Is that a song lyric?

"We neutronized it! Complete protonic reversal!"

I think that was the first episode I ever saw, and I was totally sold. "MEGA-WEAPON! MEGA-WEAPON! MEGA-WEAPON! MEGA-WEAPON!"

I was going to make the same recommendation. Mitchell is solid, a good introductory episode.

I love Newt so much, she's just such a tough little kid. That part after the harrowing ride in the armored car when Ripley asks Newt concernedly, "Are you alright?", and Newt just gives her a solemn thumbs-up, that's probably my favorite moment in the entire movie. I also like the part where Ripley tells Hudson

The title Fruitvale Station sounds to me like a Nintendo online multi-player game where you buy a house, grow crops, and barter at the general store.

They should get together and form their own production company, Shyamalino.

The premise is great, and it has moments of non-awfulness, but the whole abrupt postscript ending and the entire thing that Jackson's character, because he was eminently fragile, he believed that there thusly had to be someone out there that was just the opposite, i.e., invulnerable, brought the movie down for me.

You say it's god-awful bad, so can you describe it in a way that doesn't make it sound AWESOME?

The originals are on DVD as a (non-anamorphic, unfortunately) bonus feature to the complete series set which comes in a tin box, so at least there's that.

Unless you're Norm Macdonald, in which case explaining the joke just makes it funnier.

—The A.V. Club