My Year of Fops

The thing that occurs to me watching the Dude make a non-dairy White Russian, I get the impression that he's had to do that many times before.

The funny thing is that I remember it being in black & white, so it doesn't seem like it would be The Prisoner. But then again, I could have been watching it on a black & white portable TV that we had when I was a kid. I do remember that I came in right in the middle of it, and just kind of assumed that it was The

"Just one more thing…"

I have vague memories of seeing the show as a kid. There is one specific memory that I have, but I'm not sure if it was U.N.C.L.E. or some other spy TV show/movie. Solo (assuming it was Solo and not some other dark-haired spy guy) was trapped by the bad guy in this dungeon-like place with a large wooden door, and

"I'm six-five, two-twenty, and there's two of me."

Norm Macdonald is my American operator.

And then everyone came to their senses, more like.

That little shrug was what sold me on the whole thing

Jesse Hassenger, how in the fuck is "pump the brakes" an anachronism? You do realize that cars had hydraulic brakes well before the 1960s, right?

I loved the Marx Brothers pick, that's the one I would have chosen too. Cracks me up every time.

I've taped a picture of your avatar to my shopping list to remind myself to get hemorrhoid pads. Ooh…tsshh [shifts uncomfortably].

Is there anyone else who can't hear the word "leprechaun" without thinking of Mike Myers going "I'M THE LEP-RE-CHAUUUN!" from Wayne's World 2?

That's a quality joke!

She certainly wasn't born with a. . .silver spoon in her mouth.

So what did make you want to do all that?

Just for that he is going to play a joke on you by urinating into your Coca-Cola beverage.

"Dog," no.

Or being Captain America. They didn't get very far, just a smooch before Peggy Carter showed up, but I'm sure she would have dated him if asked.

Yeah, did you see how that childhood was dressed? And walking around late at night? What did it expect to happen?

I like to think that he was a lot like his cameo in Knocked Up. For a guy who became known from playing characters that are either cold and analytical (Egon) or sarcastic (Russell from Stripes), he just radiated warmth and good vibes in that one little scene where he played Seth Rogen's dad.