My Year of Fops

So's Halle Berry!

"Haw-haw, now I am going to steal your girl-FRAND!"

And I love the way he says the title with his hand up to his mouth like he's whispering a secret. "Little Latin Lupe Lu!" And goddamn right the Righteous Brothers' version is the best one.

I think it's actually for the more people will go see it if it's PG-13 than if it's PG.

Hottest Audrey by a country mile.

Well, that's not gross.

An article about canine reaction shots and no mention of the little dog in Coming to America? For shame, AV Club. For SHAME.

That means you were almost twice as good as your mom. It's Worthington's Law.

I don't remember which episode it was, but I loved it when Andy, instead of saying "Duh," said "Doy." In 1981, my friends and I, that was exactly how we talked.

I'm a straight guy, but I can't help it, every now and then when I see Paul Rudd I'll find myself thinking "Ooh, slice me off a piece of that." He's a total Baldwin.

I know I remember him saying somewhere that he lost weight before doing the movie so he could play a more convincing teenager. I'll bet he intentionally gained weight (and I'm sure they did some padding to exaggerate it too) for the series so he could be even more comedically unconvincing as a teenager.

That's a good idea, but the answer I was looking for was "Aw, Ann Landers SUCKS!"

That's a good gift! I read it in Ann Landers!

I know, that goofy smile kills me.

"Until then, HAPPY HUNTING!" I guffawed.

I love how they subtly make fun of it, like when he is sitting on the bunk talking to Kevin, and when he gets up he makes a pronounced grunt.

If I don't get it, does that mean I'm not racist enough?

Am I the only one who when he sees "Deadspin" momentarily thinks that it's the name of a Marvel or DC comics villain/antihero?

Uh, no, I guess I really didn't, did I?

I grew up in the south, so when I was in high school, there were two different kinds of "wrasslin'", NWA and WWF. NWA was the grittier, cheaper, often bloody (imagine Dusty Rhodes covered in blood from head to navel), and WWF was kids' stuff. One of my favorite overheard exchanges ever was a group of guys sitting