My Year of Fops


Well, he's dead.

However, there is documented proof that he did indeed let the dogs out. Except for Thursday night, which is NBC News poker night, so his wife did it.


I am accustomed to poor proofreading in AV Club articles.

He looks more like a Snapchatting EDM fan.

Well, it's a DC Comics movie, so the obvious thing to do is not go see it, and the obvious thing to say is "Maybe I'll check it out when it's on cable."

I just rewatched the "sis boom bah" and Carol Burnett segments, and although both got big laughs, neither were as long and uproarious as I remembered. I think perhaps that's because I wasn't watching them with my parents who were also losing their shit laughing.

It's up there, for sure. I'm not sure it was longer than the laugher for the Carnac the Magnificent bit on Johnny Carson where Johnny put the envelope to his head and said "Sis boom bah," then opened the envelope and read "What is the sound when a sheep explodes?" But in fairness, most of the audience laughter was

I've never been able to tolerate this movie, either. I have a high tolerance for "unlikable" characters, but Rhett and Scarlett are both just assholes. I essentially hate all the characters in this movie except for Mammy, who's basically the only one who's got any goddamn sense, and she sees Scarlett for exactly

Honestly, I think it would be easier to list stuff I haven't avoided out of spite.

The cover of "Girl from Ipanema" that I hear in my head is the Muzak version in the elevator in the Blues Brothers when Elwood disabled the elevator by using the aerosol glue as an impromptu blowtorch.

I had a smudge on my specs in just the right spot, so I read "alone time" as "clone time," and I rather enjoyed the idea of you going rock climbing and watching Netflix with your perfectly matched genetic clone. You guys were so adorable together.

The "Time in a Bottle" scene was fantastic.

I was really having a bad day yesterday. Did it show?

Hell, I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet (although I read the article) and I can tell that he sucks. Look at that hair and those little rimless glasses. Of course he's a complete tool.

Ah, so now we're comparing post-count dick size. Typical tactic when you've got nothing more substantial. Anyway, my activity was reset when I switched to a Disqus account a while back. Upsetting, but I don't regret it as much as starting this whole thing. Now how's about you fuck off and I'll fuck off as well,


I think we've exhausted this subject. Let's have a more useful and productive argument: Toilet paper roll over or under?

Uh huh. "Mens rea." That's Latin. The only people I've ever heard say "mens" in place of the English word "men" are the "Men on Film" guys on In Living Color. It's a colloquialism that might be in use in certain segments of society, but it's no better English than "cardses." Nice try!