My Year of Fops

No, he's an extremely powerful wizard who can set off fireworks and make light come out of the end of a stick.


Yeah, that's just the Pa Kent we want, one who says that maybe letting a busload of kids die is preferable to Clark's powers being revealed because he has arbitrarily decided that the world's "not ready yet." And sacrifices his own life for the same reason, when Clark could have easily saved everyone. World's just

I did not know that!

How wonderful for you. Thanks for sharing!

You've obviously never seen the beginning of Lost in Translation.

Well, so much for that.

That's fucked up. Upvoted!

Fuck that. Han Solo is like the Chuck Yeager of the Star Wars universe, just the best pilot that ever was, and he damn well knows it. Cranky, old as fuck, and still likes to climb into the cockpit to show the young hotshots that he's still got it. He'll slow down, but he won't ever give up the lust for danger.

What the fuck?

I used Force-flag, which is the Disqus equivalent of the Force-choke. You just concentrate and hold your hand out in the air and make the mouse-click motion with your index finger. Then you have to do it again to Force-confirm.

Really makes you put a whipped cream pie on your face.

That's so Jodie!

Maybe there can be a little joke where a TV's on and a rerun of Gomer Pyle, USMC is playing, and when Pyle says "Sha-ZAM!" she turns the TV off irritatedly. Ooh, or it could be an old episode of the '70s Shazam! TV series. This stuff just writes itself.

Uh, I dunno, you tell us, they're your opinions.


Potions? Who do you think you are, the Archmage of the Aether?

Except who wants to see Sebastian as Stan Captain America? I know I don't!

Did anybody else read the headline as if it were written as a question? Because it has a question mark at the end? Like this?

Like he cares!