My Year of Fops


Hey, not that Chandler.

Well, Gumbel and his small group of regular correspondents do have a combined 400+ years of sports broadcasting experience, with Frank Deford making up the lion's share of it. They did bring in Soledad O'Brien for a while, but then she just disappeared and hasn't been seen since. My theory is that they just sucked

Pop culture lore states that the '60s ended December 6, 1969, and that the Rolling Stones killed it.

Ching chong bing bong ding dong Kathie Lee!

Chegro, please.

He spoke at Bettie Page's memorial service, so for a preacher-man he seemed pretty okay.

Nestor Carbonell's not doing much post-Lost is he? I'm sure he'd be up for it.

The Lyres' "Help You Ann": Best tremolo guitar sound of all time. I vote "Yes."

Speaking of Captain Beefheart, how can pre-Trout Mask Beefheart not be mentioned as some fantastic garage(-esque) rock?

Well it's just what you need when you're down in the dumps
One-half hillbilly and one-half punk
Three long legs and one big mouth
The hottest thing from the north to come outta the south

You're absolutely right. He wasn't as shaky as Conan O'Brien was when he first started, but I definitely got similar feelings of "this dude's just not gonna make it."

"I haven't watched The Daily Show in like…good God…10 years"

I always liked him as guest host. I even looked forward to it, "Hey, Jay Leno's guest-hosting!" Then as soon as he got the permanent host slot, it was like "Fuck this guy."

Her great-grandfather was one of the plane mechanics in Casablanca.

"Swim in a pool of dicks!!" —Louis C.K.


He's been a real good boy this year!

Biehns, Biehns, good for your heart!
Biehns, Biehns, great for your heart!

LOL at "news-paper".