My Year of Fops

Rubberbabybuggybumpers rubberbabybuggybumpers rubberbabybumpbybuggers SHIT!

I was never a big fan, but I saw him playing solo opening for Dylan a few years ago and he was great. I went to see Dylan, but ended up enjoying Costello's performance much more.

"The Coupe"? That title makes no sense. They're clearly driving a four-door!

Well, so was I, but later.

All I know is, when I walked out of that theater, I had the exact same feeling of elation that a 12-year-old me had walking out of Return of the Jedi back in 1983 (I know, I'm dating myself). And that was a feeling that I had rarely got from any movie in the ensuing years, and certainly not with that level of

One thing I love about the MCU is that they've pretty much said to hell with secret identities.

He's pretty loquacious in the Avengers Assemble animated series, at least much more so than in any film or TV appearances.

Great line, but I don't know anybody who actually heard the line the first time watching it in the theater due to the uproarious laughter.

I've never seen this show. Danny McBride seems an odd choice, though.

Did anybody else initially misread that as "Purty Ring"? As in [Lenny from Of Mice and Men voice] "Duhhhh, dat sure is a purrrrty ring!"

The fact that two of my least favorite people on the planet, namely Kanye West and Taylor Swift, look at the dress and see blue and black leads me to believe that the ability to see the dress's true colors must be proportionate to one's own awfulness. Me, I stare at the damn thing and relax my eyes, and I can start

You had me at "scantily." You lost me at "clad."

It really could use an extra 'x' or two for x-tra trashiness. Rednexx. Or maybe RedneXXX.

'It’s not like a “You Really Got Me” with Van Halen, where they made a better version.'

I just realized when I was re-watching The Avengers the other day that the guy who plays Sousa was one of the cops that Cap started barking orders at (the old one replying "Why the hell should I take orders from you?!" before being shown exactly why he should take orders from Cap). I froze the frame, hoping hoping

Balls nasty.

I had a crush on her when she was on Beakman's World as well, but I'm just finding out now that it may not have been cool, as I was in my early 20s at the time. I know, it's a kids' show, but it filled the Pee-wee's Playhouse-sized hole in my heart left by that show's absence. And I have always assumed that she was

My mon Bats, he don't shiv.

It really wasn't.

That took me waaaay too long to get that.