My Year of Fops

Roadie for Metallica. Speed of Sound tour. Buncha assholes.

Voted up for copying and pasting from IMDB a tangentially-related quote from a movie that I like.

Didn't David Cross have a bit where he made fun of her because she had a role where she had to play a corpse, so she had herself packed in ice so she could feel what it was like to be as cold as a corpse, and just how infantile that was? Or was that Glenn Close? He was going off on actors, and I think both may have

Nope, stay the course.

Awwww yyyyeahhhh.

"Irona"? More like "I'd-bone-'er", amirite fellas?!

Successful attempt

I just rewatched Grand Illusion the other day, and that scene where Marechal lovingly blows out the candles on the Christmas tree before retiring, and then sees Elsa standing alone, obviously feeling the loss of her dead husband, and goes up to her and embraces her…I'm tearing up a little bit just thinking about it.

"Yah, dat's vy dey call me, I am expert."

I'd be ecstatic. He just seems he'd be a fun guy to hang around with. I've been a fan of his since he was on Everwood and they figured out that they decided to use him as the good-natured goofball of a best friend rather than the menacing bully.

That was where I stopped reading and then started scanning the comments for this one.

Did anybody else think that was Leonard Pierce at first?

Narrated by Leonard Nimoy, taking us full circle back to Star Trek. Nicely done, intentional or not.

Dirty Frank's!


Another one I remember is the one where Conway played the old man who walks real slow, who was a firefighter for some reason, and he had to give Korman mouth-to-mouth, and in preparation he grossly licked his lips for an uncomfortable amount of time until Korman finally lost it.

Franky, I don't know how you'd go through Tim Conway's interrupting of a scene to tell his story of the Siamese elephants without cracking up.

Love Lord Love a Duck, and Korman was great in it. Also a showcase for Max Showalter (probably best known as "Grandpa Fred" in Sixteen Candles) and his infectious laughter.

I love how he daintily sticks his leg up out of the bath and then, embarrassed, quickly ducks it back under.

That reminds me of the Pee-wee Herman joke about the armless hunchback. "I don't know his name, but his face rings a bell!"