My Year of Fops

Even though it's totally stupid and not funny, I still found myself laughing. It was mostly the gusto they put into their be-boppin' and scattin'. It would have been just as funny without the visuals, and funnier if the video was the actual cantina scene from Star Wars.

My personal favorite Bill moment is when he gets paired with Cindy Sanders as lab partners much to Sam's chagrin, and Bill rubs it in by, when her back is turned and Sam is looking, making that "I'm cupping her tits" gesture with his hands, or whatever that was supposed to be. I dunno, but it's funny.

Bill wouldn't have grown up to be Roman because Bill isn't a nerd, he's a geek. Although I would argue that he's actually more of a dork, which is at the bottom of the nerd-geek-dork food chain. I don't mean that in a bad way, though, because I also love Bill Haverchuck.

I was thinking it was that movie where Valeria Golino takes off her clothes a lot, and was like, "All right! That and aliens!" but then I realized I was thinking of Respiro.

She is awful, but not in Adventureland.

I was really disappointed there was no mention of Adventureland. He was perfect as Joel. Great deadpan lines like (referring to stuffed animals as carnival prizes) "Yeah, we pay little Malaysian kids eight cents a day to make these for us, we can't just give 'em away" or, when asked what his career path is for his

Yep, the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw his name.

I want you inside me!

Hey, nobody play peek-a-boo with Scott Kaufman because it will freak him the fuck out!

A Double Down Dog dare?

"Follow the road map on [your] body" sounds like a John Mayer lyric.

I was going to call you out for using "whom" there, but I think that's actually correct usage. Nice job, professor.

If things go well he might be showing her his dough-face. "Dough… Dough… Dough!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Dough!"

Mine is Uptown Saturday Night and it sequel, Let's Do It Again.

I remember somebody having a Kool-Aid Man comic book in like 5th grade, and somebody else took a pencil eraser to it and carefully erased all Kool-Aid Man's color, leaving his face, and replaced the words in the word balloon with "HELP! I'M EMPTY!" It was pretty funny.

My bad, I was using an outdated converter.

Equal parts, my ass. There was a lot more Dupl-ass than Peet-teat.

Jacko on his back-o!

You don't stare at it, it's too risky! You get a sense of it and then you look away!

[BASSLINE] Bum…buh-duh-dum…buh-duh-DUM…buh-duh-DUH-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh da dum