My Year of Fops

You may be on to something, and you're not the only one saying it. Can you claim insurance if you decide not to release your movie, though? More likely it's to build up notoriety and interest for when this movie is finally released in some format (which I expect won't be too long—a matter of months, if not weeks).

On the one hand, this is bullshit! Fuck you, North Korea! But on the other hand, um, thanks, North Korea, because that movie looked like a grade-A first class dog turd, even by typical Rogen standards.

"Bananas to put you to sleep"…I don't know if that's a real Jewish-mom thing, but if it is, then Jewish moms are dead wrong. My mom (who was Methodist) always told me that eating a banana before bed would give you nightmares, and I have indeed found that to be the case in the instances where I didn't heed that

Is he a Baby named Buster, or is he some sort of Buster of Babies? Either way, we know he smokes a lot of weed.

When he's not biting the heads off of chickens, he can get it outta the sand trap like nobody's business.

I beg your pardon, sir, but he hoid it.

Well, Mom, remember my dream of owning a big house on a hill, and how I used to wish for a living room with a plaster lion in it from Mexico? And how I always wanted a large 24 seat dining table in a dining room with original paintings by Michelangelo and Rembrandt? And remember how I always wanted a rotating bed with

So in other words, way too good-looking for Lena Dunham.

Larry "Flash" Jenkins is the actor's name.

I do, and I agree, although Fitzcarraldo is a pretty damn good movie.

Somebody's gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes!

I thought it was "I have had it with this motherfucking sand on this motherfucking planet!"

Hey, nice Marmite!

Ah, those were the days!

At first I thought that was David Krumholtz in Addams Family Values.

I forgot about Frank. Yeah, I liked him a lot too. And agreed on Genevieve.

And she was a bitch to work with. It was "damned if you do and damned if you don't" either way with her, but given the choice you would work with her because fuck no you don't want her in your house. It was like she would actively try to design things that would make people cry when they came in and saw their house

Never saw Christensen in anything else? Two words for you, my friend: Shattered Glass. All the qualities that made him an annoying Anakin Skywalker made him a great Stephen Glass. Still annoying, but the character is supposed to be that way, and he actually puts in a very good performance.

Well, that's understandable since the Star Wars thing put me off just about everybody involved.

I always liked the show, but when I saw the movie later on, it was just like, "Man, these guys are assholes!"