My Year of Fops

This is what I came here looking for. I don't think you could find any more meta reference to a show's own cancellation, since they built an entire finale around it.

Sounds like he's really in a pickle.

Missing is the panel where she squeezes a can of spinach, causing the spinach in said can to shoot up in an arc into her gaping mouth. That ended up a lot sexier than I meant it to be.

I haven't seen it, but I have seen somewhere where he was talking about his music obsession and how he's an obsessive completist, and someone (I can't remember who), knowing this, tried to get him into The Fall. Seriously, speaking as a fan of the band, if someone knows you're an obsessive completist and they try to

Literally cool story, bro.

It is now.

Agreed. While the reviewer was highlighting what he saw as negative points, I kept thinking, "This actually sounds pretty awesome!"

What's your Jon Lovitz impression like, do you just beat the shit out of Andy Dick?

He just said "Oh boy."

Wonder Woman's picking technique sucks. She needs to spend a couple of semesters at GIT.

The winner of the first Best Picture Oscar? I'm pretty sure that guy's dead now.

I love the fact that despite Thor being eons old, the most powerful member of the group next to the Hulk, being practically a god, and a military leader in his own right, Cap just assumes de facto leadership of the group. Thor's a leader, but being as powerful as he and his Asgardian cohorts are, he doesn't have to

"It moved. . .I think it moved." [Cap runs out of apartment in great haste, yelling] "I'M BACK, BABY! I'M BACK!"

Didn't Superman or Wonder Woman lift it in one of those Marvel/DC crossovers?

This made me laugh way more than it probably should have.


This is what Wayne Wang and Paul Auster have taught me.

"But I'm hardly learning at all!"

Ooh, good point. He was fantastic in that. I just hate that movie, though.

"Oh, by the way…you're fired."