My Year of Fops

Just because the Republicans treat him poorly doesn't mean he's not full of shit. Of course, Jack Kingston is way more full of shit.

I rarely watch it live because Friday at 10PM, but when I do fire up the DVR, whether I watch it is usually dependent on who's on. If Jack Kingston or Michael Steele is on, I'm like "Fuck it, I don't need this [DELETE]" because there's only so much glib bullshit I can put up with.

Liked for using "yoink" as a verb.

He really does have a nasty streak. Arianna Huffington made a playful joke saying that Bill had sex with more black women than Barack Obama, and he immediately got a dark look and shot back with "Yeah, well at least I didn't have a husband who was gay" or something like that. It was ugly.

And I agree, by the way.

So you're saying that Maher is too fair and balanced?

I like Real Time, but that latest stand-up special was a drag. I know making fun of Republicans is his thing, and more power to him, but I don't need a solid hour of it. I still watch Maher, but I find myself looking forward to John Oliver a lot more.

Shouldn't Magneto be in his 80s? Or have they retconned the whole Shoah-survivor thing out of the comics?

"With all due respect, sir, I believe this will be our finest hour." [stern glare]

OK, you just described my exact viewing experience of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

I don't want Paul Rudd to be menacing. I take comfort in the fact that I don't think he could pull it off.

"Tell him I'm Dash Carlyle, world-renowned race car driver!"

The older generation used to see movies that way all the time: sit down in the middle, watch to the end, wait for the movie to start up again, watch until the point where they came in, say "This is where I came in!" and leave. Michael Ventura did a nice column piece about this once common custom.

The worst movie I ever saw in a theater was Yor, the Hunter From the Future. I was like 12, was with my older sister's husband, his friend and his friend's son who was about the same age as I. The adults wanted to go see Staying Alive but we boys were like "No way!" and voted for Yor, and we won out. I have never

Look at it this way: Maybe the qualities that ruined the Star Trek franchise will be a boon to Star Wars. Despite what moms everywhere think, they are completely different animals.

Remember Twiki from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century? He wasn't always going "Bidi bidi bidi," he was saying "Bidet bidet bidet."

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! Nope, didn't work.


That's when you say "What the hell does WTH mean?"

Jamie Lee Curtis does!