My Year of Fops

That was my take as well. I thought it worked.

At first glance I thought it was the Tumbler. I was really hoping for something a little sexier and less Tumbler-ish, something that looks badass but also stylish. Instead, we get another military-looking urban assault vehicle.

Microcassette recorders were awesome because you could pretend to be an investigative reporter on a case and record yourself asking questions like "Why would a man hire me to kill him?"

I agree in principle, but I think Marah may have just meant "pre-Pee-wee Herman as a household name".


That's a good idea, actually. And they could introduce a couple of deaf characters who talk to each other in sign language for minutes at a time with no background music so that your spouse in the next room who's not really paying attention will ask "Hey, did the cable go out?"

That was just the Al Hartley years, right? I will say that the dichotomy between the evangelical preachiness of his stories and the jiggly lusciousness that he endowed upon Betty and Veronica's boobs is vast.

That's in Harmony Korine's upcoming four-issue arc.

So that means that the recent DC comics movies have been dismal and joyless by accident instead of on purpose. I'm not sure if that's better.

I like Big Star, but somehow they just don't completely do it for me. Something is lacking. To me, a great power-pop band should have a heavy strain of '50s rock 'n' roll in their DNA, and I just don't hear it in them. I tend to lean toward the more rock 'n' rolly-y power-pop outfits like the Flamin' Groovies or

Thanks for the reply. Oh, and there's a guy going by the name Riddley Walker who pointed to the connection on the AV Club's Facebook post, I'm not that guy.

That gets my vote because it made it a piece of cake when I had to recite the preamble in fourth grade. The only caveat was that we weren't allowed to sing it, which made it a little more difficult.

Fuckin' Sims, man.

Like you, I also went to the prior weeks' thread to try to discuss the actual SHOW, because although I don't get into the kind of deep picking-apart analysis that people like to do with shows like this and especially Lost, when I see a reference that strikes a chord of recognition in me, and other people don't seem to

"By this time, the twins would have already declared their romantic intentions"

I know, goddammit! To whoever started the kerfuffle in the first place, I'd like to say, "Thanks a lot, asshole!" The one time I have something interesting to contribute to the analysis of this show, commenting gets shut down. Basically, I drew a parallel between Kevin's seeing the deer in the woods with the bright

My Year of Fops' Crazy Theory Corner:

Michael Cera 25 years from now.

Looks kind of like Marjoe Gortner.

It does seem that the biggest result of the "departure," besides the weird cults, is Teens 2.0! Now With More Nihilism!