My Year of Fops

Yep, it's just a mask attached to a dickey and the rest is allll Flash.

They're thinking, "I hope a big record label will sinus."

Who nose?

April Fool's Day is a month away, guys.

Johnny Fever got fired from a station out in L.A. for saying this band's name on the air. Next thing he knew he was hosting a garden show in Amarillo.

If NBC put on a new all-celeb version of Puttin' on the Hits hosted by Jimmy Fallon where the celebrities compete with each other and then at the end of each episode the winner has an all-or-nothing lip-sync battle with Fallon, I would totally watch that.

Yes, all 31/30 of it.

That's good to hear. Thank you.

He was great in that. Such a brief role, but he's probably the best thing about the movie. I was going to make a comment about it, and "natural" was the word I was going to use. I totally believed that he was Seth Rogen's father. Now, I didn't believe that Seth Rogen was his son, but that wasn't Ramis' fault.

Yeah, that is a dumb thing to say. I doubt the grudge goes that deep. Not that there is an equivalency here, but when Sonny Bono was alive Cher wouldn't have pissed on him if he was on fire. Then when he died she just completely lost her shit over it, Niagara Falls. Not that Murray's going to lose his shit, but

Also the part where the recruits are all getting to know each other, and John Candy is telling his story, and throughout it Ramis is making smartass reaction faces, I love that.

"No, we're not homosexuals, but we are willing to learn."

All that talk about yellow stags and then the mention of "the Harts" made me think of something that I knew, but never thought about in connection with this show: a hart is a male deer.

It was "Good dog," not "Good boy," and it was more of a *WOOF!* than a *RUFF!* (although I hear that's how your mother likes it, Trebek!).

Holy shit, he looks like Boss Godfrey from Cool Hand Luke! I'd offer a quote but the motherfucker never said anything, unless you count shooting a bird out of the sky with a rifle.

Thomas Pynchon's favorite Oakley Hall western novel is in this? I had no idea.

Maybe because he's obsessed with the idea of guilt, because he's responsible for his daughter's death (I'm betting).

I thought it was more like, "If you talked to Rust and you weren't getting a read on him, he was getting a read on you."

The way he was examining the Blair Witch twig thingy was odd and creepy, but I think he was just trying to get some kind of insight. When he went in the school, he didn't look like a man that was in familiar territory or who knew what he was going to find, although I think his gut told him that he was going to find

After some soul searching, I've decided that even given the opportunity and the necessary tools, I wouldn't steal it the lock. I would be tempted, but my love of the show and my sense of human decency would win out. Or a little Tom Haverford would pop up on my left and say, "What're you waiting for, you'll never get