My Year of Fops

Meg White's drumming style comes from a fine tradition of Detroit garage-punk-blues bands with girl drummers who play butt-simple caveman beats, like the Gories and the Demolition Doll Rods (a Gories offshoot). Even more primitive than Meg White, even, because they didn't even play regular drum kits, just like a

I thought you were pre-law.

I also saw it in the theater. My dad had died about a year and a half before, and The Sting was his favorite movie, so when The Sting II came out, my mom, my sister and I went to see it as a sort of tribute. It really just kind of shit on his memory, actually.

True. When I said "in the company of like-minded people" I was thinking more along the lines of "in an environment conducive to debate." Anyway, you're fine, you're not a shitty person. And after watching the episode again, I've come to the conclusion that Rust and Marty both are kind of assholes.

"Personally, I agreed with every single word Rust said about religion. Does that make me a shitty person?"

Care to test that theory, Randolph? Let's make it interesting. Shall we say our usual wager?

I liked her better in the previous episode, which was the breast episode of TV I've seen in recent mammary, no doubt about tit. I'm areola looking forward to her next appearance.



It's Alan Thicke.

Anybody else old enough to remember Hal Linden as the host of the kids' wildlife show Animals, Animals, Animals? I still get the theme song in my head sometimes. "Animals! Animals! Animals here and there. Animals, animals, animals, animals, animals everywhere."


[Does the Larry David staredown thing, nods] Okay…

I like to think that it was the Downvote Bandit, who in my imagination looks very much like the Hamburglar, except instead of stripes he has little "-1"s all over him.


Odd that you're the only one in this thread without a downvote. HEY EVERYBODY IT'S THIS GUY!

O'Neal: "'…she died today after a short illness.' Better rewrite that."

GODDAMMIT! I came here to post almost the exact same thing.

When I read the words "Prince Batman" it makes me imagine a '60s Jamaican dancehall ska guy who would dress up in a Batman costume. That should have been a thing.

That's great, thanks for sharing, but this is the thread where we post funny meanings for the acronym "IFC".

Overall I enjoyed the movie, and there were some great laughs, but I hated the gang fight. They just had to throw another one in there as a callback to the first movie's and try to top it by being more outrageous, but it just came off like an excuse to throw in celebrity cameos. Where the first movie's gang fight