My Year of Fops

Never seen Blues Brothers 2000 and I'm sure as shit never seeing this.

I wondered that myself, but I figured he had his reasons. Such as, he had tried it before in a similar situation, but it made things worse, such as getting his parents in a big argument, and he thought it was better to deflect to an outside source.

The Cyndi Lauper theme song is actually my least favorite thing about the movie.

I don't even own a Goonies!

Just one of the many things that are great about this movie is its moral ambiguity. Ralphie (and his friends as well) lies like a rug and gets away with it scot free. He lies about knowing about Flick getting his tongue stuck to the flagpole. He lies about learning the eff dash dash dash word from Schwartz (earning

Yes, your avatar of the poster from one fucking movie totally illustrates your intimate familiarity with early Jack Nicholson.

Hey, what's up with her mouth? She always looks like she's got a jaw of chewin' tobacky between her cheek and gum. Am I the first person to ever notice this?

I don't know how Demme fucked this up so badly. The original had that blackly humorous "Should I be laughing at this?" vibe that Demme also used to excel at, so it seems like it would be a natural fit, but it just didn't work for me at all.

I'm really not sure where this season is going. At this point I hope it culminates with Carrie, Saul, Quinn, and Virgil and his brother leaving the CIA and forming their own upstart covert intelligence agency.

That and the Roger Ebert joke and Kenny blasting the "Thou Shall Not Kill" song from The Lost Boys on the car stereo for no particular reason as he pulled up to Guy Young's house.

So when you're at a concert, you just take your wallet out and hold it open in front of you in the off chance that the band shoots something in your direction? That's a thing you do, apparently?

Three downvotes. OK, don't make jokes about the woman-beater-upper, got it.

Is this the autobiography of Fassbender's ex-girlfriend?

À la recherche du temps perdu?

I can't understand the concept of going to see a stand-up comedian and yelling out requests.  I saw Patton Oswalt some years ago and he did a killer set with some hilarious back-and-forth with a heckler who was even drunker than he was.  And then people started yelling "Do Carvel!" so he did his Carvel ice cream

"Soft eyeball"?  Thanks for clearing that up, Dowd.  If only he had had one of those hard eyeballs, he might have lived.

One thing I love about Jason Segel is that he does the sensitive, lovelorn, overly needy type and the charming lothario pussy hound type equally convincingly.

Wrong wrong wrong.  Wrong wrong-wrong-wrong WRONG wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong.  Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong, wrong Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.  Wrong Wrong Wrong wrong wrong, "Wrong wrong wrong wrong."

I would have been immensely horrified to find that the first post was anything but this. Thank you, uselessbeauty, for keeping the cosmos in balance for one more day.

I'm with Dyess-Nugent on Rickards; she annoys the crap out of me, although I do think she's quite the looker.  Felicity Smoak's status as a "breakout" character on the show seems calculated to me; the producers of the show obviously know that a large portion of their audience of comprised of self-professed geeks